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Sister Organizations

SRK (Suomen Rauhanyhdistysten Keskusyhdistys)

The LLC works closely with its sister organization, the SRK, with central offices in Oulu, Finland. Mutual work includes minister exchanges, language courses, Opisto folk school student exchange program, written and music publications, and foreign mission work.

SFC (Sveriges Fridsföreningars Centralorganisation)

The LLC works closely with its sister organization, the SFC, in Sweden. Mutual work includes minister exchanges and foreign mission work.


The LLC serves sister congregations in the countries of Togo and Ghana, West Africa with several mission trips annually conducted jointly with the SRK. Trips include, for example, worship services, Sunday School lessons, and confirmation camps. The Laestadian Lutheran congregations in Togo are members of the national organization, ELLT.


The LLC serves members in six locations of Ecuador with regularly scheduled mission trips. Trips include, for example, worship services, Sunday School lessons, and confirmation camps.

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