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  • How I Am Served

    Denise Nevala | The Voice of Zion February 2025 - Column --  I never thought I was a writer. When I thought of writing, I imagined “those types of people,” those who are inspired to be authors someday. I think back to my high school years, many years ago. I remember one teacher that inspired me about writing in my senior English class. We had to keep a journal and write on certain topics either from a chosen list or we could create our own topics weekly. I surprised myself and found that journaling was a task that I enjoyed and excelled at. It peeled a new layer from my inner thoughts. Over my single years, I kept a journal by my bed. I documented my thoughts when I was in college, my daily life, or when I was traveling. After I got married, my journal was again at my bedside. I poured out my heart of all my joys, sorrows and trials. It was by journaling that I talked through pen and drawings. As the children came, the stories were captured in my journal.  When I read through these journals today, I marvel at some of the children’s stories. I would not remember them today had I not written them down. I also read through my accounts of some of my trials, and I wonder why I was upset about silly things. Clearly, I was growing through life’s experiences. Shedding and regrowing myself as I experienced life. As the children moved away from home, I turned my focus on hobbies and other things to fill my evenings. We lived in Minnesota at this time, and a friend encouraged me to come to a gathering where people who wrote for the LLC developed their interests and skills. “No strings attached!” she said. “No commitment to write anything for the LLC publications.”   It was a nice way to meet new people and it was fun. We did some writing exercises to get thoughts and ink flowing. One particular exercise was to write for one-minute whatever thoughts came to mind. I was really hesitant to share. These were some experienced writers in the room. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and shared. I thought for sure they would all laugh at my elementary writing. And they did laugh, not at me, but at what I wrote. All I had written about was pens scritch-scratching away and the people around the table who held the pens. The point of the exercise was to get your pen warmed up and your inspiration kicked in. Over the years, the writing group met monthly in homes, coffee shops, online Zoom, or the LLC office. Sometimes employees from the communications department would join us and feed us some of their thoughts. What if you took that story and flipped the ending to the beginning? What about if you turned that thought into a poem? Have you ever written a memoir? The writing exercises continued, inspiring many forms of writing: poetry, short fiction, articles, blogs, podcasts, novels and children’s books. In addition to this wonderful world of self-expression, the writing group provided me with so many new friends from many congregations. There are many blessings in serving God’s kingdom. Serving in publications has really touched my heart. I have been served in so many ways when I am asked to do an assignment, or I have raised my hand to say I can help. And yet, the doubts come, and I wonder what have I just done? I have interviewed believers for articles or podcasts, and I don’t feel like the work is mine. God’s guiding hand leads me to hear this person’s story. Another type of assignment, say a challenging art assignment around a biblical theme or passage also brings blessings. This type of assignment has led me to read, research, and visit with other believers about how they understand it. I continue to learn and be served. Do not be afraid to put your gifts on the exchange table. We don’t see our own gifts, but other believers see gifts. I encourage you – yes, you – to try joining or forming your own writing or art group. Explore and learn from each other. God will bless as He always does.

  • Baptism: A Sacrament of Living Faith 

    The Voice of Zion February 2025 - Home and Family Articles --  Baptism is more than just a ritual—it is a promise of a clean conscience before humans and God. It symbolizes the washing away of sin and constitutes a person’s entry into a covenant relationship with God. Whether for a baby or an adult, baptism reminds us of God’s grace for all who repent and believe the Gospel. Godparents play an important role in the baptized believer’s journey of faith. They help guide and support the person in their life of faith that reflects their covenant of a good conscience made in baptism. Choosing godparents is an important decision as they will be there to nurture and encourage the child of God for years to come. Baptism is both a gift of grace and a lifelong promise rooted in living faith and supported by our godparents, the Holy Spirit, and the mother congregation. It is a sacred covenant—like a contract—that represents the forgiveness of sins and a promise to live with a clean conscience in Christ. In this way, baptism serves as a seal of our covenant with God, and when our journey ends with the testimony of a conscience kept clean by the blood of the Lamb, we are assured that God will keep His covenant promise and bring us home to dwell with Him forever in heaven. Tyler Anderson God gave us two sacraments to support our faith: the sacrament of the altar and the sacrament of baptism. An important part of a Christian’s faith, baptism is both a symbol and a sacred act that marks a believer’s covenant relationship with God. Baptism represents the washing away of sins and the start of a life in the care of the Holy Spirit and mother congregation. Baptism is rooted in a long history starting in the Old Testament and finds its full meaning in the baptism of Jesus and His command to baptize people throughout the world (Matt. 28:19-20). History of Baptism The word “baptism” comes from the Greek word baptisma,  which means to wash, dip, or immerse. This idea of immersion in water is important because it goes back to Old Testament practices of washing to become clean (e.g., Exod. 29:4 and Lev. 8:6). In Jewish traditions, water was used to cleanse a person of impurities. However, the true power of baptism is not in the water itself but in the Word of God that is present with the water and received through faith. Baptism signifies regeneration and a new beginning, as Luther explains, by daily drowning the old Adam within us through sorrow and repentance and allowing the new being to rise each day to live before God in righteousness and purity forever. In essence, baptism is a covenant of a good conscience in Christ (1 Pet. 3:21). John the Baptist called people unto repentance and baptized them as a sign of their repentance (Matt. 3:11). Jesus Himself was baptized, not because He needed forgiveness, but to begin His work according to God’s plan (Matt. 3:15-17). The practice of baptism not only has roots in the Old Testament and extends into the New Testament, but its significance also carries forth to Christians today. Luther tells us in his Small Catechism that baptism is “the water comprehended in God’s command and connected with God’s Word.” For Christians today, baptism shows they are entering into a covenant relationship with God, in the same way circumcision once showed a covenant relationship in the Old Testament (Rom. 4:11). Essentially, baptism is the spiritual counterpart of circumcision (Col. 2:6, 11-12). Through baptism, a believer’s faith is connected to Jesus’ death and resurrection, showing that they are leaving sin behind and committing to live a life in Christ (Rom. 6:4). Infant Baptism Most often we baptize children, who have the greatest faith in the kingdom of God (Matt. 18:1-6, Mark 10:14). Baptism is not just an act of faith but also a sacrament—an outward sign enjoined by Christ that conveys God’s spiritual blessings through faith. Thus, such a child is welcomed into the Church of believers (1 Cor. 12:13, Eph. 4:5). For infants, baptism demonstrates God’s grace and the hope that as they grow, they will confirm their faith when they reach an age of understanding. Aaron Niemela of New River, Ariz., shares a heartfelt example of how baptism has been a special event in his family’s life: “Something that has been really special to Jackie and me is we asked Kenny Wuollet to baptize many of our kids. It was a nice opportunity to have Kenny and Maureen over for a Sunday afternoon of visiting and listening to stories. During these baptisms there was always a direct message and reminder of the important role of the parents, godparents, grandparents, friends, and family in this child’s life.” In the New Testament, whole families, including children, were baptized (Acts 16:33). This shows that baptism is for everyone no matter the age. Hebrew baby boys were circumcised as a sign of their covenant with God (Gen. 17:10-14); Christian infants are baptized to show they belong to the new covenant of grace in Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:27). Role of Godparents An important aspect of baptism is the role of godparents, or sponsors, which has evolved over time. In early Christianity, they acted as witnesses, vouching for the spiritual character of the adult baptized. Later, their role expanded to guiding the baptized in their journey of faith. Today, godparents focus on helping to raise baptized children in the Christian faith. Joanne Anderson of Phoenix, Ariz., reflects on the joy and responsibility of this sacred role: “I was baptized in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1948 by an elderly believing man, who was a snowbird from Sweden, named Dr. Dickenson. Since we were the only believing family in Phoenix at the time, there were only my parents and grandma and grandpa Henry and Anne Koistinen attending my baptism. Later in life, I became a godparent myself. I feel blessed to have many special godchildren. I feel like I haven’t been a good godmother to these dear ones, but as I have gotten older, I truly value the friendships I have established with many of them. We receive good instruction especially for godparents when we attend baptisms. It’s an important role and the blessings are abundant when we can keep in contact with dear godchildren.” Godparents promise to help guide the child in faith, teach them the ABCs of Living Faith, pray for them, and encourage them to endeavor as a believer. Godparents can be an important influence in the faith life of a child of God. When choosing godparents, parents should ask those who will be good examples for the child, those with a sincere testimony of living faith, (1 Cor. 4:2). Godparents are not just ceremonial figures but are entrusted with a serious responsibility to guide and support the godchild’s journey of faith. It is important that godparents are baptized believers who have been confirmed in their faith; in other words, persons confirmation-age or older. Parents should think carefully about who will be able to provide ongoing spiritual support, prayer, and mentorship for the child in their life of faith. Baptism and Repentance Some people may wonder, “Are our sins forgiven in baptism, or do we need to be a believer first?” Scriptures tells us that repentance and faith should occur before the sacrament of baptism. In the New Testament, people were baptized after they became believers in Jesus (Acts 2:38). Baptism is an outward sign of an inner peace of conscience. Logan Nickerson of the Phoenix Congregation shares how baptism has strengthened his faith: “Baptism has been a very important and impactful part of my life, especially in my life of faith. I think of all the many siblings, God’s children, and children of my own that God has blessed into my life. This has given opportunity many times to gather around God’s Word, hearing that unchanging Word, and witnessing the sacrament of baptism has given me great comfort. I feel each time that it’s strengthened my own faith. Through this, we can see once again how God cares for us and keeps us as His own.” As Josephus and Dead Sea Scroll sources dated to the time of Jesus indicate, baptism is a sacred act performed after a soul is righteous. In some instances, such as in Acts 8 with the Samaritans, there appears to be a delay between baptism and the reception of the Holy Spirit. This may suggest that their hearts were pricked but not yet fully prepared at the time of their baptism, and it wasn’t until later when they received their sins forgiven through the Apostles Peter and John that they received the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-17). This also happened in Ephesus, where new Christian converts did not know of the Holy Spirit until after their baptism when Apostle Paul preached the gospel unto them (Acts 19:1-7). In these cases, it wasn’t necessary for these Christians to be baptized again, even though they were in the latter case. Similarly, today when a worldly Christian repents and receives forgiveness by believing the gospel of the kingdom from a believer (Matt. 24:14, Mark 16:16), we do not hold that they must be baptized once again. This reminds us that the grace given in baptism is sufficient and always in effect on God’s part but is not fully realized until there is the presence of the Holy Spirit found in the heart.   Sources: Barry, J. D., et al. (2012). Faithlife Study Bible  [Mobile app]. Lexham Press. Blue Letter Bible. (2024). Interlinear Bible  [Mobile app]. Retrieved from Dead Sea Scroll 1QS. (n.d.). The Rule of the Community. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews.  18.116-119. Luther, M. (n.d.). Luther’s Small Catechism.  Concordia Publishing House. Plass, E. M. (1994). What Luther Says.  Concordia Publishing House. The Holy Bible: King James Version. (n.d.). Uljas, J. (2003). The Treasure Hidden in a Field. Laestadian Lutheran Church. We Can Sing of Baptism Mary Hillukka Our songs and hymns of Zion speak beautifully of the sacrament of baptism. It is a blessing to sing these songs and learn from them. The Small Catechism is also familiar to us. It explains to young children and all ages what baptizing signifies. “We also should walk in newness of life,” as written in Romans 6:4. Forgiveness for my sins I own through Jesus’ merit work alone; His blood has cleansed my heart from stain, and I was baptized in His name; through faith alone, which works by love, I am a joyful child of God. SHZ 197:2 W: Sebaldus Heyden, 1545 Heav’nly Father, You have raised me early to Your kind embrace, and in my baptismal covenant You have promised me Your grace. Blessings ev’ry day You send – You are my Eternal Friend. SHZ 458:1 W: Jakob Thimoteus Jacobsson, 1875 Sing to the Lord! Hopeful, in prayer – His promise is sure, now and fore’er! Family and friends, godparents too, brothers and sisters who love you, Dear one, for you we pray, stay in His grace each day, always secure in the family of God. SHZ 226:3 W: Anna-Mari Kaskinen, 2002 Discussion Questions 1. What does baptism mean to you? 2. In what ways does baptism serve as a covenant of grace that symbolizes the following things: a. absolution b. a new beginning c. ties to Old Testament washing practices? 3. What important things should parents consider when selecting godparents? 4. How can those godparents support the child’s life of faith? How have your godparents helped you along life’s way? 5. How are the sacrament of baptism, the baptism mentioned in Christ’s Mission Command (Matt. 28:19), and the receiving of the Holy Spirit related (Acts 11:14-16)?

  • Two Kinds of Righteousness

    Jim Frantti | The Voice of Zion February 2025 - The Sabbath Word 2 Article --  Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live? Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth. When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it. Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live. – Ezekiel 33:10-16 Prophet Ezekiel was among the Jews in exile in Babylon in the 5th century BC. The Jews had been brought in captivity away from their homeland. They longed to return and especially clung to the memory of Jerusalem. They received the news that Jerusalem had been destroyed, and now they asked, “If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live?” They saw, in the destruction of Jerusalem, God’s punishment for their sins and felt that hope was now gone. In some way, the people looked to their own righteousness as being needed to please God. He was not pleased with their goodness and merit, and now they had lost hope. It is a human way to look to a person’s goodness or evil to explain things that happen in one’s life or to measure who is acceptable to God. However, God’s ways are above our ways. Once when Jesus and His disciples encountered a blind man, the disciples asked, “Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2). Jesus explained that his blindness was not a result of his sins nor the sins of his parents. Sometimes when God’s children confess that there is only one kingdom of God and one fellowship of believers on earth, they are accused of thinking that they are better than others in this world. God’s children, on the other hand, acknowledge that we are great sinners and no better than others. What is in question is human righteousness versus God’s righteousness. When we compare human righteousness, we see that there are many good people in this world. However, when we compare to God’s righteousness and the demands of His holy law, we find that all have sinned and come short of God’s glory (Rom. 3:23). Righteousness of Faith Ezekiel had the duty to bring the message to the people of God’s righteousness, which is owned by faith and not by one’s own merits. The righteousness that is acceptable to God is joined to faith. The writer to the Hebrews expressed it this way, that without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Jesus encouraged all people to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). The righteousness of faith is often described as a day-old righteousness. When one is believing today, he or she owns this righteousness. Yesterday’s faith cannot save nor make righteous. Ezekiel clearly explains this in saying that if a person trusts to his own righteousness, and commits iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered (v. 13). On the other hand, he said that if a wicked person repents and turns from his ways none of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him (v. 16). What matters to God is the condition of a person’s heart today. Thus, we believe for one day at a time and own this day-old righteousness of Jesus Christ. A Word of Promise The message of the prophet contains a word of promise that applies as well today as it did for the exiles in Babylon. A person cannot rely on his or her own goodness, merits, or righteousness. Often at a funeral or in the memorial obituary for a person who has passed away their good deeds or accomplishments are remembered. However, the message of the prophet is that the most important testimony is that one endeavored day by day in faith. The message of the prophet is one that encourages watchfulness in faith and that teaches of God’s great love. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). God still calls those who are in the darkness of unbelief unto repentance. To those traveling in faith, as Martin Luther once wrote, God daily and richly forgives all sins. When one is believing today, it is sufficient. Today we can live of the gospel, and we can place the cares of tomorrow in God’s hands.

  • The Bible is God’s Word and a Believer’s Highest Authority, Part II

    Ben Waaraniemi | The Voice of Zion February 2025 - Doctrine and Life Article --  This writing is based on a presentation kept at an October 1 meeting of Minnesota congregation boards and ministers. The first part of this writing was published in the November 2024 issue of The Voice of Zion. Having first examined what the Bible is and what our relationship to it ought to be, it is worthwhile to examine two opposing perspectives and interpretations that are current in our time. These could broadly be described as Christian Liberalism and Christian Fundamentalism.  The Christian Liberal perspective insists that the Bible must fit within modern understanding of science and is somehow subordinate to it. This leads to the understanding that Jesus was simply a great teacher, miracles are not scientifically possible and should be interpreted symbolically, and that each individual has the authority and ability to shape their own morality. Christian Fundamentalism on the other hand insists on a literal interpretation of the Bible. Conclusions are drawn beyond the text of the Bible and a rational model is built to support those conclusions. This leads to a legalistic view of the Bible and faith. Adherents often advocate isolation from society and a strong desire to personally advance God’s will in society by any means. It is important to note that many in the world would describe our faith as “fundamentalist,” simply because of our belief that the Bible is God’s Word. We do not need to concern ourselves with this, instead trusting that “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together” (Rom. 8:16,17). On the foundation that the Bible is our highest authority it is timely to examine our relationship to earthly authority, especially considering the errors of Christian Liberalism and Christian Fundamentalism. We have an example from our Lord Jesus Christ: “Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men. Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s. When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way” (Matt. 22:15–22). What can we learn from this event in Jesus’ life? There is a very specific instruction about paying taxes, but there is a broader teaching about our relationship to authority. Jesus teaches that there are things that are Caesar’s and things that are God’s, and we owe obedience to each. The Christian Fundamentalist error is that we are to battle on God’s behalf against the earthly authorities. The error of Christian Liberalism is that faith and religion are simply social movements and have no place in our political or civic life. As God’s children we walk a narrow path guided by God’s Word between these two errors. The Apostles Peter and Paul also taught of the obedience and respect we owe to earthly authority (Rom. 13; 1 Peter 2:13). These teachings stem from the ultimate authority and sovereignty of God. When we believe and trust that God alone has power to install and remove governments and rulers, we are able to accept and obey the authorities as ordained by God. It is also important that we would not “render unto Caesar” the things that are God’s. “Divine Augustus” was likely inscribed on the coin that Jesus was handed, and Jesus rejected this claim to divinity of the ruler of that day. In our modern world that is so mistrustful of anything religious, it would be laughable for any ruler to outright claim divinity. The enemy of souls is much more subtle in our time.  An experience in my own life illustrates this. During my youth I attended both a professional hockey game and a political campaign rally that were held at the same arena a short time apart. I noticed then and have afterward often remembered the similarity between the two events. Believers have rightly been warned against the atmosphere of professional sporting events and the adulation of athletes. It is good to consider this same warning with respect to our politicians and leaders. I especially think of two recent presidents, Barack Obama and Donald Trump and the responses to both among the American people. With Obama, his candidacy and election seemed to be met with religious fervor and adulation from some of his supporters. Similarly Trump seems to elicit a religious response among some of his supporters. Roadside shrines spring up selling merchandise devoted to him. It is important that we as believers do not give to our leaders what is due only to God.  The Apostle Paul was once in the city of Athens and was moved to preach to them the living God “when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry” (Acts 17). God has created us to be in fellowship with Him. When the peace that comes from fellowship with God is lacking, people seek to fill this void with all manner of idols. It is a timely message in our time. We also live in a society “given to idolatry.” The devotion given to the celebrities of the entertainment industry, athletes, and politicians is culturally unhealthy and corrosive to faith. As citizens in a democracy, we have freedom to voice our opinions, support those candidates and parties that we feel would be best suited to govern, and even to criticize our leaders. This should all be done with Christian moderation and trusting that “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will” (Dan. 4:25). Believers can and do have differing opinions on political and civic life. If we turn these into battles between good and evil, we will see other believers on the opposite side. We are called to a radical faith, and the way is not always easy. Think of the instructions of Jesus: “That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also;” “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s;” “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” These are not easy words to follow, and our flesh wishes to rise up and join the fray. In these battles, we have as our only weapon and defense the Word of God, and it is still secure to trust in His care; “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”   Discussion questions: How does our faith influence our political views and actions? Read Romans 13:1–5. Considering that our form of government is different than in Paul’s time, how does this instruction apply to us today? Read Philippians 3:20–21 in both the King James Version and New International Version. What is the most important “citizenship” of a believer? What rights and obligations come with that citizenship?  Sources: Holy Bible, King James Version.  (n.d.). Holy Bible, English Standard Version. (2001). Crossway. Holy Bible, New International Version. (2011). Zondervan. Kolb, Robert, and Timothy J. Wengert, eds.  The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000. Palola, Ari-Pekka, ed.  Christ is the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever. LLC, 2022.

  • February 2025 Update

    Arvin Pirness | The Voice of Zion February 2025 - News & Notes Article --  The activities of February have a strong planning focus. These include developing the 2026 operating plan, joint congregation board meetings in the Northwest and Southwest Mission areas, opening all camps for sign up, and preparing for LLC Winter Services just around the corner. Amidst all these activities, I often marvel at the wonderful connections to dear brothers and sisters across Zion and the willingness to serve one another. Please consider serving at camps as part of your summer plans. Jesus gave this teaching, “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another (John 13:34). The greatest demonstration of this love is serving each other. Update on LLC Activities  Pastoral The second Bible translation communication has been distributed to congregations. We have experienced the benefit of these communications and the importance for congregations to visit about this topic. Service events have been scheduled for 2025 and we look forward to the opportunities to gather and listen to God’s Word. Currently there are around four hundred individual service event requests of ministers in North America coordinated by the Area Mission Committees and LLC Mission Department. In addition to these service event requests, many also serve at camp events and in their home congregations regularly. We want to remember these ministers and their families as these requests usually entail travel away from home and their home congregations.  Our brother Jorma Vuorma of Finland is scheduled to serve in North America from March 5 through April 8. On this trip he will serve in many congregations and at LLC Winter Services in Phoenix and attend the Ministers Camp at Stony Lake Camp. Mission Work God continues to bless His work throughout the world; He calls and gathers those who personally desire to believe into His kingdom. As the work expands, we have begun reorganizing our approach to mission work. The reorganized work will include additional volunteers in various teams to support the work that board members, ministers, teachers and others do in their own home areas and congregations. We continue to experience the need for interpretation and translation in numerous languages. The webpage and accompanying social media platforms are broadly accessed by people throughout the world. In 2025 there are plans for a regular schedule of broadcasted sermons. Some of the sermons and repentance experiences on this website have been viewed 30–50 million times. The sermon with the most views has been played for the equivalent of 2814 days. Education There is an Education Seminar scheduled for February 8, 2025, during Monticello’s Winter Service weekend at the Monticello church. The focus of this workshop is to provide support for local congregations’ Sunday School teachers, Bible Class leaders and others that are asked to teach in their congregations. 2025 Camp Season Registration for the 2025 camp season was approached in three phases this year, with Confirmation/Pre-Confirmation first, secondly Youth Camps and then for general enrollment. For the most part, registration was relatively smooth; LLC staff meanwhile continues to find ways to improve the registration process for camps. Silver Springs Pavilion A Silver Springs building committee has been formed to further plan for the construction of a pavilion at Silver Springs. There are several steps necessary prior to a final decision being made. Next steps include final design, cost estimation and a determination of support. Communication Our publications app Hearken  is nearly 3 years old! The app has over 2000 subscribers, with a total of over 3000 users who benefit from the new content added weekly as well as the wide variety of previously posted content. Recent efforts to improve usability, especially on Android devices, have yielded promising results. We are continually looking for ways to make the app better and easier to use, and we welcome your feedback and ideas! Send Shanna an email at To learn more about Hearken,  how it works and how to subscribe, visit We’ve received a number of inquiries on how or where to purchase audio tracks of LLC recordings, specifically to make cards for Yoto devices. While we don’t directly sell audio tracks on the LLC website, you can purchase and download them on most major digital music platforms, such as Google Music, Apple Music or Amazon. For the sixth year in a row, the Winter and Summer Services broadcasts will contain a variety of audio programs that will be played during breaks between service blocks. Volunteers have worked diligently to produce many hours of audio content for listeners of all ages! For Winter Services, Radio for Kids  segments will focus on happiness. The We Gather Here  series will feature Florida, Wyoming, Rolla, N.D, and Roaring Fork Valley in Colorado. We will hear interviews about joy in a series called Joyful Voices,  and there will be interviews of LLC staff members about their work. The Hold My Hand  series will feature programs on living away from other believers and on different personalities. There will also be discussion of doctrinal topics in the How We Believe  segments.  Tune in to Winter Services to hear God’s Word, and keep the broadcast on in between to hear these other programs as well! Here is the planned broadcast schedule: Thursday, March 13: 6:00–8:30 p.m. Friday, March 14: 12:00–9:00 p.m. Saturday, March 15: 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. Sunday, March 16: 9:50 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

  • Joseph Forgave His Brothers

    Bryce and Boden Loukusa  |  The Shepherd’s Voice  December 2024/January 2025 - Home and Family Article –   The Children of God are merciful (Matt. 5:7). Joseph is an example of the mercy of God’s children. Even though he was treated unfairly by his brothers and sold into slavery, he was merciful and forgave his brothers. Joseph was a believer in the Old Testament, one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Joseph was especially loved by his father, and because of this his brothers hated him. Joseph had dreams that represented his brothers bowing down to him, and he told his brothers of these dreams. Because of this, his brothers were jealous and hated him so much that they wanted to kill him. Joseph’s oldest brother Reuben didn’t want to kill him and suggested that they cast him into a pit. As they sat by the pit eating bread, they saw some travelers going by. They sold Joseph to these travelers – into slavery – for twenty pieces of silver. Many years later, when Joseph had become a governor in Egypt, his brothers came to Egypt to buy food. They didn’t know that the important man who helped them was their brother, Joseph. They came a second time to buy food and bowed themselves to the ground. Eventually, Joseph couldn’t refrain from telling them he was their brother. His brothers were concerned that Joseph might be angry at them, but Joseph had a forgiving heart. Joseph told them even though they had done evil to him, God meant it for good.   Things to visit about: Do you think it was difficult for Joseph to forgive his brothers? When might it be difficult for us to forgive our siblings? What does it mean to forgive someone?

  • A Reflection of God’s Care for Us

    The Voice of Zion January 2025 - Home & Family Articles -- Families are gifts from God, lovingly shaped by Him over time into the form and number He intends for each of us. Every member is placed within a family by His design, forming bonds of love and connection that are meant to nurture and sustain us.  Family relationships hold significance, as they are where we learn to love, forgive, and support one another in a reflection of God’s care for us. Through both joys and challenges, families become a unique blessing. In these writings, believers from the Ishpeming, Mich., congregation share their perspectives on family life and relationships.  Our Children Are a Gift Megan Kuopus As a mother now to five children, life has gotten easier in some ways and harder in others. I find much support in going to church and spending time with other believers. As a younger mother to a growing family, it’s easy to lose sight of the blessings that come with children. Little reminders of how much of a gift these children are can come from different, and sometimes unexpected, places. I have found it easy for me to accept each new child and to get excited to meet each new one. I do, however, get anxious about how I will cope with the addition of another little one, with life only seeming to get busier. I wonder whether I will have enough patience for my children. I worry about doing something wrong or not being a good enough mom. My kids deserve to have a happy, patient mom, and some days I feel guilty for not being able to be the best parent. I find a lot of support in talking to other believing moms. Those who are in similar stages of raising kids share understanding and offer solidarity. When I visit with moms who have older kids or who are done raising their kids, I find a lot of encouragement and reassurance. They assure me that despite feeling I might be doing it wrong, I’m still doing a good job.  In our small congregation, I’ve experienced that many people, no matter the age or whether they’re parents or not, have reminded me time and again that these children are a blessing. The elders’ eyes light up talking about them and watching them. Teenagers will often entertain them for a moment, and singles enjoy giving and receiving attention from the little ones. Seeing others’ appreciation for children’s joy and innocence is a good reminder that they are such blessings. My father-in-law never fails to remind that these kids are precious gifts from God. He often remarks on how happy they are and how much happiness they bring. As a mom, the most important support I receive is the support and encouragement of my husband. Striving to have a good relationship and friendship with my spouse contributes to an overall sense of happiness for all in our household. I pray that God would continue to show me all His blessings. I thank Him for all ways He reminds us what a gift our children are.   Navigating Family Relationships in Homeschooling Krista Haapala In 2020, schools across the country shifted to remote learning during the pandemic, and we seized the opportunity to explore the waters of homeschooling. The material sent home by the school was heavily screen-focused, so we chose to seek out our own curriculum for our three school-aged kids. Today, five of our seven kids are now school-aged, allowing us to continue to experience the joys and challenges of homeschooling. Each day is unique, and yet we try to follow a general routine. The younger kids start their schoolwork first, followed by lunch and outside time, after which the older kids begin their lessons. Our oldest attends online classes, completing her work nearly independently and asking for help when needed.  During the warmer days of early fall, we prioritized time outside and getting together with friends. Now that the weather has turned colder, we have shifted to indoor activities like reading and educational games alongside schoolwork. It brings a smile to my face when I see my three-year-old find a notebook and bring it to the table like the big kids so he can “do school.” It’s equally wonderful to see the older kids share what they’ve learned with the younger ones, often putting their own unique interpretation on a lesson that has been recently taught.  One of the challenging aspects of homeschooling is that our family is together almost all day, every day. However, there are occasional opportunities for each to get out by themselves for cello lessons or home economics with Grandma. We are always learning how to take time for ourselves, whether by going alone outside for some fresh air or finding a quiet spot for a calming activity or to read a book. Sometimes the togetherness can feel overwhelming, leading to increased tensions. In these moments of conflict, we can find reconciliation in the gospel, preached in Jesus’ name and blood.  Our homeschool journey has emphasized to me the importance of close relationships, not only between immediate family but also with friends and extended family. There are a few other homeschooling families in our congregation, and it’s been good to visit with these moms about different homeschool methods as well as strategies for navigating chaotic days. Friends, both young and old, offer fresh perspectives on our challenges. It’s comforting to remember that God sees and understands everything, and despite our shortcomings, He cares for us.  “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater” (Isa. 55:8–10).   Raising Children Together Emily Hill and Sarah Laiho How have having babies and raising families at the same time changed your mother-daughter relationship? Being able to raise children at the same time is special for us. We have even more in common now that we are both mothers. We understand and can relate to each other better because we are in similar phases, going through pregnancies and helping each other during the newborn period and raising children. How do you support each other at this time of your lives? We care for each other’s children when there are appointments. We also visit each other a few times a week, sharing meals and helping each other with projects. We feel it’s important in general for people to help each other, especially during the extra-busy seasons of life – pregnancies, the newborn period, and during times of trial and illness. We have also felt the support from believers in our congregation. What blessings or trials have you experienced in this situation? Even though mothers are often surrounded by children, motherhood in itself can feel lonely at times. It’s nice to have each other to talk to, to ask for and receive advice or to just be a listener. We lived a few states away from each other up until this past year. We now live within a mile of each other, and we both feel fortunate that we can support each other on a daily or weekly basis.  What special experiences have you had? A special time was when I, Emily, was able to travel to another state to be with my daughter Sarah, Tommy and their first child for several days after she was born. It was meaningful to be able to help their little family during a time of transition, similar to what my mother did for me when Sarah was born.  Discussion questions: How can spouses and parents reflect God’s love in their relationships with one another and with their children? What does it mean for parents to view their children as gifts from God, and how might this perspective influence parenting? How does recognizing God as the Creator of all life shape our view of children and family? What role does forgiveness play in maintaining healthy relationships between family members? In what ways can faith help us navigate challenging decisions about life and family?

  • January 2025 Update

    Arvin Pirness  | The Voice of Zion January 2025 - News & Notes Article -- Not long ago, we were celebrating the arrival of 2024, and now another year has passed, leaving us with many cherished memories and reasons to thank our Heavenly Father. As we enter a new year, we prayerfully plan and reflect on the growth of God’s kingdom. It is truly uplifting to witness the generosity and support of believers, which makes this work possible. As we look ahead, we often wonder what plans God has in store for us. At the start of 2025, we humbly seek His continued guidance and blessings. Above all, as children of God, we hold on to the living hope that one day our personal faith will be fulfilled in the eternal glory of heaven. Update on LLC Activities Education A Teacher’s Workshop is scheduled for February 8, 2025. The targeted audience is Sunday School directors and teachers asked to help coordinate teacher support in their congregations. Local congregations are encouraged to send representatives from their congregations. This workshop takes place during Monticello’s Winter services. Attendees will be able to attend both events.  Confirmation teacher exchange between the SRK and the LLC will continue in 2025. Personnel – Seasonal Staff Seasonal staff is needed at all camp centers. These include the Hasscib Lake Camp caretaker, kitchen heads at HLC, SLC and Kamp Kipa, and core staff at each camp center. The wages of these positions have increased markedly during the last two years. Please consider serving in this way. Applications can be submitted through the LLC website. Pastoral A new minister’s workshop has been scheduled for February 21–22, 2025, at the LLC office. At this gathering, attendees are able to visit with and support one another in this calling. We encourage member congregations to send those that they have recently called into the office of ministry.  The evening devotions that began as a way to serve the believers during the time of the pandemic in 2020 have been appreciated and are a support on the endeavor of faith, especially to those that are not able to gather with other believers for services. We have experienced the blessings of the minister exchange trips with our sister organizations. Details are being finalized for the 2025 trips. Additional details will be shared here in The Voice of Zion  as they become known prior to the trips. The early stages of scheduling services and events for 2026 have begun. We approach this planning in prayer that God would guide the work to serve his children wherever they may be. All these events are coordinated with the involvement of the local congregations, area mission committees, camp boards, LLC staff and many others. Mission Work Greetings from the International Ministers Camp which was held in Accra, Ghana, December 2–5, 2024. Marv Wittenberg of Seattle and Arvin Pirness from the LLC office traveled to participate in this first Ministers Camp held in Africa. Twenty-two brothers from African countries and one from Pakistan participated in the event. Watch for coverage in an upcoming Voice of Zion issue. There are plans for 27 mission trips in 2025. Target countries include: Ecuador, Kenya, Ghana, Togo, The Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Rwanda and Malawi. Believers in these countries eagerly wait for the mission trips. Remember them and the brothers who will travel in 2025 in your prayers. Communications LLC’s Fiction writing contest ended November 30. Six manuscripts were received. A reading group was formed to read the manuscripts and evaluate them for possible publishing. The group has begun their task of reading and will recommend to the LLC Print Publications committee two manuscripts for further work and eventual publishing. Work continues with Matellio, developer of our Hearken  app, to correct usability issues that arose in listening to audio on Android devices. Users who reported these issues were offered an opportunity to beta test a new version of the audio player on the app. We thank all users who reported issues to us and continue to communicate about the app’s functioning. This helps us identify and correct the issues. In this issue of The Voice of Zion, you will note some new features. One of them is our Bible Class feature. We hope this edifies all readers and finds use at camps, youth evenings or Bible classes. It appears that we’ll publish several books during 2025! These include doctrinal and Biblical works, writings on timely topics and works of fiction as well. We trust that God will guide this and all LLC work as He sees fit. Opistos in Finland The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture recently granted additional funding to Jämsä, Ranua and Reisjärvi opistos to increase their student intake for the 2025–2026 opisto year. Jämsä received funding for 80 additional student places. As a result it will use SRK-owned Maitoinen camp as a branch campus. Reisjärvi received 23 additional student places, and Ranua was granted six. This means that next opisto year the opistos combined can accept nearly 600 students from the much higher number of annual applications received. As previously reported, we have granted 14 scholarships for the 2025–2026 year to students wishing to attend one of the three opistos in Finland. There are also a number of students who wish to pay their own way to opisto. Given the large number of Finnish youth that also wish to attend opisto each year, we are grateful that Jämsä and Reisjärvi opistos will each accept four self-pay students from North America, and Ranua will accept two self-pay students. All in all, 24 North American students will study in opistos next school year. Subscription Rates Last month we announced an increase in subscription rates, and we’re mentioning them again to ensure all our subscribers are aware. The new subscription rates for The Voice of Zion  and The Shepherd’s Voice  came into effect January 1, 2025, due to rising printing and postage costs and efforts to improve mailing times. New yearly rates: – Voice of Zion: $75 (North America), $100 (Overseas) – Shepherd’s Voice: $40 (North America), $60 (Overseas) We appreciate your understanding as we make these necessary adjustments, and we’re grateful for your support in sustaining this important work.

  • Be Glad!

    David Edwards | The Voice of Zion December 2024 - What Does the Bible Say Article -- Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. – Matt. 5:12 Don’t these words of Jesus bring great comfort to you, my fellow traveler? During the Christmas season there are many familiar songs and phrases that speak of joy and gladness. As we make the final preparations for Christmas, let us pause for a few moments around God’s Word and reflect on the true source of joy we have as God’s children. What makes us exceedingly glad?  Our Bible text is the final portion of what is known as the Beatitudes, spoken during Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Jesus exhorted to rejoice and be exceeding glad. What brings you joy? What makes you exceedingly glad? I have often heard young children exclaim, “This is the best day ever,” when they have received something. Often it is a gift beyond the expectation of the child.  Those who witness this expression of joy experience joy themselves. While this type of joy is familiar, it is often short-lived because it comes from receiving temporal gifts. There is, however, a gift that exceeds all other gifts, faith.  You, dear child of God, have received the most precious gift man can receive, faith. It came from God. There are many people in this world who have not received such a great gift. For this reason, the child of God desires to thank the heavenly Father and join with the words of Apostle Peter. “But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy” (1 Pet. 4:13). Not only do believers experience joy, but heaven also expressed joyous news when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the Bible testifies that the angels rejoiced over the news of the birth of a Savior. “I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10). What kind of reward is heaven? The reward for remaining in faith is a crown of life in heaven. A reward in the favorable sense is something given in return for a good thing done, a service rendered, or some merit earned. Children of God cannot boast of our successes, rather we often lament how poor and weak we are in faith.  So why does God offer a reward? It is because God sees us through the merits of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through faith in His merits, we receive the gift of righteousness. Through faith, we receive a twofold portion, both life, and hope of heaven. When considering the reward of heaven, one can ponder the glory that awaits there. The Apostle exhorts, “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Cor. 9:2).  As a pardoned sinner, the child of God receives an answer, peace of conscience. How often the little children remind us of the hope of heaven! I have observed this via my youngest children when putting them to bed. How restful they become when the sweet message of the gospel is preached. What can we learn from trials and persecution? Here in this life, we all have trials. God’s Word reminds that trials are given to test our faith. We also understand that God does not give us more that we can bear. I have often gleaned from the example of Job, a righteous man, who was blessed temporally and spiritually. God allowed the enemy of souls to smite Job. He lost all his earthly possessions, his family, and even his health. Each time these trials came, Job would say, “the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).  While God did allow the devil to tempt and try Job, He did not allow the devil to touch Job. Job’s faith and God’s protection for him, serve as a reminder to us. They are one of many reminders from the Old Testament about God’s protection. Through faith former travelers made it to heaven’s shore. God who also knows our needs, hears our prayers, not only blessed us, but also protected us from the evilness that is in the world. Jesus prayed in His high priestly prayer that we would be protected from evil (John 17:15).  We face a threefold enemy, the devil, the world, and our own sin corrupted flesh. Sometimes this enemy comes so close we become fearful and wonder if God has forgotten us. God does not leave us in this condition but rather sends His angels to comfort us and bring the glad tidings from heaven, the precious gospel message. The gospel will carry us until the end of our journey where through faith we can hear the wonderful greeting of our Lord Jesus “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matt. 25:34). It is worthwhile to continue traveling the way of faith.   Discussion Questions: Why does God promise a reward to those who believe? What is the true source of joy for a believer? How does it differ from the joy that comes from receiving material gifts? When Jesus was born, heaven and believers on earth rejoiced. What were they happy about? What things to be happy about can we gain from going through trials? What do we mean when we say our greatest treasure is the hope of heaven?

  • Living Among, Not Apart

    The Voice of Zion December 2024 - Editorial -- As Christians, we are placed in the world to serve, to be light in darkness, to be salt that preserves what is good. Jesus’ prayer in John 17:15 captures this mission beautifully: “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” Jesus knew that while the world is marked by brokenness and sin, we are not to withdraw from it. Instead, we are called to engage as witnesses of God’s grace and truth, mindful of the pitfalls of isolating ourselves and cutting off meaningful engagement with others. The Dangers of Isolation There is often a temptation, particularly when society’s values seem increasingly at odds with Christian beliefs, to retreat. But fully withdrawing, however well-intentioned, runs counter to the mission Christ has given us. He calls us to be among others, bearing witness of the gospel through our vocations. Lutheran teaching on vocation emphasizes that every Christian has roles—parent, neighbor, worker, friend, or citizen—and serves God through them.  Jesus did not shy away from people’s struggles, and neither should we. Our ability to empathize, to be compassionate, and to minister is diminished when we withdraw. If we set ourselves apart, we may miss an opportunity to witness God’s wisdom and protection in complexities and real-world challenges that life sets before us. God has exhorted us to fear not; relying on Him can strengthen our faith. Engaging without Conforming Engaging with the world does not mean conforming to it. Paul’s reminder in 2 Corinthians 6:14, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers,” urges discernment in relationships. It is natural that we form ties, in work, study, neighborhood life, and other ventures, with people of many persuasions. But we would wish to avoid compromising what we believe in order to maintain those ties. To confess one’s faith is to indicate where boundaries lie. Saying what we believe, even if we aren’t always able to explain why, can be a powerful sermon. While we are called to love and serve everyone, we must also maintain our spiritual integrity, especially in significant partnerships. Being “unequally yoked” speaks to the imbalance that can occur in deep, binding relationships where values or beliefs conflict. This caution is not about judging another, but about relying on Christ as our sure foundation. As believers, we live according to a different standard—one rooted in God’s Word. We are called to be lights to the world, reflecting Christ’s love while building our closest relationships on shared faith in Him. Trust in God’s Sustaining Grace Isolation can sometimes signal a lack of trust in God’s providence. It may suggest that, in order to preserve our faith, we must withdraw. Yet, Christians believe that God sustains us as we live in the world, even amidst its challenges. His Word and sacraments equip us to remain faithful, and His grace gospel provides the strength we need to engage with society without being overcome by it. Jesus did not isolate Himself from sinners, nor did He pray that His disciples would be removed from the world’s struggles. Instead, He sent them out, just as He sends us, to bring the light of the gospel to every corner of the world. Rather than withdrawing, we are called to trust in God’s protection as we engage with those around us, trusting that He will guide us through the temptations and difficulties we encounter. As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we remember that Jesus entered the world in humility, becoming one of us. In the incarnation, God stepped into human history, to bring light into our darkness. He came not to isolate His own from the world, but to walk among us, share our burdens, and reveal God’s love. May we be inspired by “Emmanuel––God with us” to live fully present where we are placed, trusting that God’s grace will guide us to serve our neighbors with love and compassion. We can with Christmas joy in our hearts fulfill our calling wherever we are placed.

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