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- Commentary: The Work Is a Calling
Walt Lampi | The Voice of Zion April 2017 -- New Publication Director's Reflections LLC publications work is a calling, too. To do the work one must believe in it and its overarching purpose to unify God’s children in love, life, and doctrine. Through the various publications, the readers and listeners find hope, comfort, and guidance on the way to heaven. Publications work serves the children of God and edifies His kingdom. From Contributor to Editor Becoming LLC’s Publications Director and an editor has placed me in a unique position. I have long been a contributor to the Voice of Zion and on occasion to the Christmas in Zion. Now I receive the writings of others and help prepare them for publication. The editors strive to keep the “writer’s voice,” yet editing is necessary too. I knew little of the behind the scenes activities that it takes to publish written or electronic material. The work is time consuming, demanding, and doesn’t end at the close of the work day. There is also joy, and all who partake share the belief that publications are part of gospel work and inspired by the Holy Spirit, for the believer’s benefit. As a Driven Nail Becoming the director has made me ponder the purpose of our periodicals, the Voice of Zion, Shepherd’s Voice, and Christmas in Zion. Their names now seem to stand out in a way I had not noticed before. I marvel at how closely each name reflects the purpose and content. The message of each is as a “driven nail,” for the “words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the master of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd” (Eccl. 12:11). Solomon’s words picture how words are used to build and shape our lives. We are the workmanship of God (Eph. 2:10). One People, One Congregation - One Calling, One Hope I believe that the Voice of Zion is the written “voice” of God’s kingdom on our continent. Through its articles, we are united in doctrine, faith, and fellowship and are encouraged to continue this mutual journey toward heaven. By reading it one realizes that we are one people and one congregation, united together in one calling and one hope. We are not independent federated congregations or individuals believing in different ways but rather one spiritual congregation, the body of Christ on earth. We can join with Apostle Paul’s thought that we are “no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God” (Eph. 2:19). The Good Shepherd Gathers The Shepherd’s Voice is also such a telling name. It stirs one’s imagination to picture the Good Shepherd, Jesus, speaking to little children gathered around Him who listen intently to every word. The text and pictures comfort them and plant the seed of God’s Word in their tender hearts. They are encouraged in faith and to see God’s kingdom as a secure place to live. By reading to our children we help in gospel work and heed the command of Jesus to “Suffer (permit) the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Christmas in the Believing Home Christmas in Zion brings the real meaning of Christmas into our homes. It is found in the birth, life, and resurrection victory of Jesus Christ. In it we can read the many Bible passages and explanations that prophesied of His coming and of the fulfillment of the promise. These assure us of the firm foundation on which our faith and hope is built. We are comforted and encouraged too by the life stories of those that have faced adversity but who continued in faith because the reward is great. We read how the traditions for celebrating Christmas have changed and how cultures vary but also that the good message of the birth of Christ doesn’t change and has transcended generations. Music, Poetry, Books LLC publications also include Christian music and poetry, both of which uplift the heart. Numerous books on doctrine and life are written to establish and guide us on the journey. By the means of the various publications, I believe the Good Shepherd has prepared a table for us in the presence of our enemies (Ps. 23:5). We can nourish our souls by taking time to read and listen. Our Hope My hope and all who labor with me is that the children of God would value and use the various publications for the strengthening of faith. They prompt us to discuss the “way and journey” with our friends, children, and grandchildren. They comfort us in times of distress and doubt.
- The Reformation Began with Finding Righteousness of Faith
Pekka Kinnunen | The Voice of Zion April 2017 -- The Reformation's Message This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and in particular the work of Reformer Martin Luther. The Voice of Zion will celebrate that important time in history and its profound meaning to our faith by a series of articles that will continue into 2018. The following article is translated from the Päivämies. It has been written by Rovasti (Dean) Pekka Kinnunen who is a retired pastor of the Finnish Lutheran Church.The SRK is working on a book about Luther and the Reformation. The LLC intends to publish the book in English. According to legend, on October 31, 1517, Augustinian monk Martin Luther posted 95 theses, or arguments against the sale of indulgences, on the church door of Wittenberg Castle. The actual theses-nailing incident is not certain and may well be an assumption. In any case, Luther drew up and sent his theses to Archbishop Albrecht of Magdeburg. The Roman Pope had previously assented to eight years of indulgences, the proceeds of which would be used for the repair of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, or so it was told to the people. The other half of the funds was going to Archbishop Albrecht’s debt. He had purchased a number of official posts from the Pope, and was in debt to an Augsburg brokerage house. Luther did not know about the latter use of the money when he began his struggle. Finding Righteousness of Faith What earlier events gave rise to the battle conditions? In 1505 at the age of 21, Luther entered the monastery to find peace for his heart. However, the time in the monastery did not bring him what he sought deep inside. He describes what he felt in that state of mind: “The phrase ‘God’s righteousness’ was like a lightning strike to my heart. For when I, as one under the Pope’s authority, read Psalm 31:1: ‘Deliver me in thy righteousness’ and Psalm 86:11 ‘in thy truth,’ I thought immediately that this righteousness was the punitive rage of God’s wrath. Right from my heart I hated Paul when I read: ‘The righteousness of God [is] revealed from faith to faith’ (Rom. 1:17).” Luther continued: “It is true that I have been a pious monk and kept my order’s rules so precisely that I can say: If ever a monk, by merit of his monkhood, has made it to heaven, I, too, should have been able to get there. All my monastery comrades, who knew me, would surely testify of this. For I would have, if it would have lasted (even) longer, tortured myself to death, in watching, praying, reading and doing other work.” (Weimar edition of Luther’s works 38, p. 143.) Luther transferred from the monastery to Wittenberg University as a teacher and obtained his doctorate in 1512. By this time, he found faith and the righteousness of faith. He says this in the so-called table talks: “Under the Pope’s authority I was a deeply struck down monk and always in the greatest distress. I finally received consolation from a certain brother, with these words only: ‘He himself (Christ) has offered hope. Our salvation is faith in God; why should we not be willing to trust God, who asks for, and commands our hope of us?’ With these words, he made me alive again.” Some who write of Luther’s life refer to this, his own account, and see it as his conversion. This experience is connected to the so-called tower experience, of which Luther tells in the preface to his works in the Latin language. Luther’s study room was in the Augustinian monastery’s tower wing. In studying Scripture night and day, it became clear and opened to him “that which the gospel reveals.” Many, like Luther, have felt the same way after accepting the good news of the gospel. In like manner it happened when Paul preached in Berea, an event to which Luther refers in his writings. When the people believed God’s Word, they studied the Scriptures after the fact to see whether things were so (Acts 17:11). According to his own account, Luther studied about God’s grace in the Bible in the same way. In particular, he had before him Romans 1:17: “The just shall live by faith.” Luther recalls: “There I began to comprehend God’s righteousness as that upon which a righteous one lives, as a gift of God, namely by faith. The gospel reveals the righteousness of God…by which the merciful God justifies us through faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith.’” He felt as if he had entered the gates of Paradise. The Holy Spirit Opened Understanding About 20 years later, Luther recalled that phase: “The words ‘God’s righteousness’ and ‘righteous’ struck my soul like lightning: If I heard them, they horrified me. If God is just, He must mete out punishment. But when once in this tower and chamber I pondered these words (Rom. 1:17) ‘The just shall live by faith’ and ‘righteousness of God,’ I soon thought about the guidance of God’s grace: If the righteous are to live by faith, and if the righteousness of God is to bring salvation to everyone who believes, it cannot happen on our own merit, but by God’s mercy. For God’s righteousness is that we are justified and redeemed through Christ’s righteousness. Now, these words became the sweetest words to me. In this tower, the Holy Spirit opened Scripture to me.” Luther’s comprehension of the righteousness of faith was reflected in his lectures. In particular, his Epistle to the Romans lecture shows that he broke with the scholastic teaching of his time on faith, which relied on man’s ability and free will. Reformation Battle Begins The question in indulgences was the buying of freedom from punishment for sins with money. Luther himself had received the forgiveness of sins through faith and been freed from the guilt of sin. His letter containing the theses to Archbishop Albrecht was polite, but the actual matter at hand was clear and stark: He asked the archbishop to annul the indulgence decree. The archbishop acknowledged receiving the arrogant Wittenberg monk’s tract. He sent the theses on to Rome, apparently due to the fact that the theses had received widespread public attention in Germany. A contemporary wrote: “Within two weeks the theses spread throughout all Christendom, just as if the angels themselves would have been the messengers.” A lot of fumbling is still apparent in the theses, but we can clearly see the main principles on the key issues. The main thesis is the criticism of the practice where a person tries to reconcile his sins with money.The preceding theses already were the lead-in for it: 1. When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, “Repent’’, he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance. 5. The pope neither desires nor is able to remit any penalties except those imposed by his own authority or that of the canons. 27. They preach only human doctrines who say that as soon as the money clinks into the money chest, the soul flies out of purgatory. 32. Those who believe that they can be certain of their salvation because they have indulgence letters will be eternally damned, together with their teachers. 37. Any true Christian, whether living or dead, participates in all the blessings of Christ and the church; and this is granted him by God, even without indulgence letters. 42. Christians are to be taught that the pope does not intend that the buying of indulgences should in any way be compared with works of mercy. 43. Christians are to be taught that he who gives to the poor or lends to the needy does a better deed than he who buys indulgences. 49. Christians are to be taught that papal indulgences are useful only if they do not put their trust in them, but very harmful if they lose their fear of God because of them. 62. The true treasure of the church is the most holy gospel of the glory and grace of God. In the theses there was still much that Luther later wished to forget. He was still the Roman Pope’s faithful servant. Nevertheless, his folksy presentation and the main principles of faith he put forth garnered unusually broad support throughout Germany. When he summed up the teaching of the theses in his published tract, his comprehension of the righteousness of faith was already therein: “If anyone thinks himself able to make recompense for his sins, he is badly mistaken: After all, God always forgives sins for free of His infinite, precious grace and wants nothing in payment for them other than that man would thenceforth live a proper life.” Luther’s relationship with the Pope and the Church’s teaching changed. In his battle writings on the Babylonian captivity of the Church, he returns to these [Reformation] phases: “I wrote about indulgences two years ago, but in such a way that now publishing the entire booklet comes back to haunt me. At the time, I was, in fact, still under the power of the Roman tyranny’s superstitious worship.…Indulgences are the heinous invention of the Roman pacifiers.” Alone by Faith, Alone by Grace, Alone for Christ's Sake Before the papal court reacted to the theses, a debate was held in Heidelberg on April 25, 1518. Johan von Staupitz, chief inspector of Augustine monasteries, offered Luther an opportunity to defend his doctrine. At the debate Luther presented the doctrine of faith that human deeds do not lead to righteousness, even though they might seem good. Attempting this, man adds sin upon sin and becomes twice as guilty. Man is free only to commit sin. The point was aimed at the Church’s view of human abilities, goodness, and honor. It was also reflected on the pursuit of earthly honor and power. The righteousness of faith means rejecting one’s own road for the sake of Christ’s merits and the way of the cross. Only through that will one come to know God. Luther never relinquished this theology of the cross. The Scripture Principle Arises It was demanded that Luther come to Rome for a hearing in August 1518. Making that happen was delayed, however, in that the Pope needed the consent of the Duke Frederick, Elector of Saxony, who protected the Wittenberg University teacher. Luther’s renown had risen, and it benefited the newly established university. Nevertheless, Luther was forced to appear for interrogation before Cardinal Cajetan at the Diet of Augsburg in October 1518. In announcing this to the Elector of Saxony, the Pope also insisted that this “child of corruption, brother Martin Luther” be handed over to the Holy See. The situation was difficult. In Augsburg three interviews were held. One phrase was required of Luther: I recant. It did not come. A key question was of the cache of merits which Christ had earned, which the popes had used as the basis for their power of the keys. The Pope could release Christians even from sin’s temporal punishments (indulgences). Another contentious issue was the Pope’s position of being exclusively authorized to interpret Scripture. The Augsburg discussions were fruitless. Upon learning that Rome intended to use violence against him, Luther left the city in the night at the Elector’s exhortation. In January 1519, the Pope’s notary made an attempt at reconciliation in the Elector’s Wittenberg castle. Luther was to give a conciliatory statement and ask forgiveness for his zealousness and then remain silent, at which point his opponents would also become silent. Luther was ready for this. He still felt himself to be a faithful servant of the Church. His opponents, however, did not leave him in peace. In the summer of the same year, he, with Professor Eck, attended a debate in Leipzig where he announced his adherence to the Scripture-only foundation. The formal principle of the Reformation had been publicly spoken aloud. The Scripture Principle, which Luther proclaimed, became the Reformation’s abiding principle. Luther did not try to establish a new church, but rather to return to the teachings of apostolic times by removing deviations and interpretations that had come later. These had taken [the Church’s teachings] away from the core of Scripture. From this emerged an intensely contentious question, both in the debate with Eck and in later stages. What is surprising is the great amount of interpretation and use of Scripture in Luther’s works.
- It Is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive
Jouko Haapsaari | Shepherd's Voice December 2020/January 2021 - Home and Family Article -- When I was a little boy, I had the habit of going to my believing mother every evening to hear the gospel. She preached to me the happy message of the forgiveness of my sins. I used to preach the same gospel to her. My mother was a believer, but my father wasn’t believing at that time. I didn’t understand it then, but I have thought about it later. When my mother and I preached the gospel to each other, it must have been an important moment to her, since her husband didn’t own the living gospel. It may have also been a deep reminder to my father about the gift of the forgiveness of the sins. It was Jesus who said the words of our theme, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” It was likely a memorable lesson for the disciples, because they spoke about it. Even Paul, who never saw Jesus himself, knew about it. These words are not recorded in the Bible as words of Jesus, but apostle Paul said them to the elders of a certain congregation. He specifically mentioned that they were the words of Jesus. You may wonder what you can give since you are little and perhaps don’t have much money to buy things. As a parent and grandpa, I’d say: give what you have! What could that be? You have much love and forgiveness, and you can share joy by being forgiving and helpful to your parents and siblings. Maybe you could open the door for an elder who is entering a building? That kind of act of kindness may brighten someone’s day. Our children once brought fresh baked goods to an elderly minister and his wife, Einari and Kerttu Lepisto. They lived near us in Finland. Our children were so pleased when they came back. They had had a wonderful experience in that believing home. Einari and Kerttu were surprised and happy for the goodies. They asked the kids to come in and served them the treats they’d just baked. Their thankfulness and joy warmed our children’s hearts and they had a long-lasting learning experience. Love makes us willing to help and serve! Things to Visit About: How does it feel when someone gives you something? How do you feel when you have made another person happy? What might prevent you from serving someone else?
- The Light That Is Great Within Us
The Voice of Zion June/July 2021 - Home and Family Articles -- He said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick? (Mark 4:21). This question posed by Christ reminds us what He has done for us. Therefore, we wish to honor that light by setting it to shine in our lives. This Home and Family section presents the thoughts of believers about how we can let the light of Christ that abides in us shine freely in this world. A City on a Hill Ruth Kiviahde | The Voice of Zion June/July 2021 - Home and Family Article -- “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid” (Matt. 5:14). I have thought of this Bible verse many times throughout my life. The Holy Spirit shines brightly from believers as we simply live our lives. We do not need to confess our faith in words for our faith to be noticed. I have multiple experiences that validate this. We moved to Flagstaff, Arizona with seven children. This was an area with very few believers. The school my children attended had no other believing children. Each day I would send the children on the school bus with a prayer, “Please God, keep them safe and give them strength to be believing children in school.” When we went to parent-teacher conferences, the third grade teacher started the conference with a multitude of questions on our parenting style and methods. We were confused but answered all her questions. After mulling over our answers, she tells us how our third grade child is different. He had qualities that she wanted to instill in her own children. She decided the difference between her parenting style and ours was we had a job list at home. She decided she will start giving her children jobs at home. What she did not understand is she was seeing a child who is raised in a home where the Holy Spirit is. Another example is in my work life as a nurse. At one point in my working career, I had the opportunity to work on a unit with six other believing moms. I had one coworker pull me aside to tell me how much she loves working with the people from our church. She felt like each one of us had an aura of peace surrounding us. Again, she was seeing the Holy Spirit in us shining brightly. We have been blessed with twelve children to raise here on earth. This fact alone speaks loudly on how different we may be from our neighbors, coworkers and those around us. Large families can bring comments that are negative in words or tone. A positive comment in return, with a smile, has turned the conversation around. At the grocery store with four preschoolers: “That’s a cart full.” “Yep, a cart full of love!” At work when a co-worker finds out the size of our family: “You are crazy!” “It’s crazy fun!” Speaking positively about our families to those around us is important. It is another way for the Holy Spirit to shine. God has blessed us with churches, camps and believing escorts. These are great places to go to for strength and support. Believers and believing families are a light to the world. Often, without words this light can shine. We go through each day doing our earthly calling: working, raising children, attending school and community functions with Christ in our hearts. The Holy Spirit within us does not go unnoticed. Do Unto Others Ruth DeLacey | The Voice of Zion June/July 2021 - Home and Family Article -- I am sure you are familiar with “Do onto others as you would like others to do onto you.” This is the golden rule which originates from the Bible. One place is in Matthew 7:12: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” It is actually referenced three places in the Bible! What does this mean? For a young child I would say it means treat others how you want to be treated. If you don’t want someone to hit you, then don’t hit them. Or, if you don’t like someone taking toys away from you, that is a good reason not to take things away from others. I think as we get older the meaning can broaden to acceptance, accepting all people, even though we don’t agree with what they do. I worked in an elementary school for more than ten years. We were instructed and expected to make everyone feel like they belong, that they matter and are a value to the classroom and school. Everyone is there for the same reason – to learn no matter their age, size, color, behavior, family situation or any other way we might want to group people. We were challenged to see the similarities instead of the differences! We were expected to be compassionate and caring to everyone. I think this is important beyond the school setting. I think we should ALWAYS look at people with that lens! If we are honest with ourselves, we wouldn’t want to be treated like we don’t belong, like we’re “less than” or strange or backwards. We wouldn’t want others to look at us with eyes of judgment and contempt. Rather, we would want an attitude of acceptance and compassion and validation. We would like people to care about us and our existence and what we stand for and where we come from. It is unacceptable by words or actions to make others feel they don’t belong or they aren’t good enough, just like we don’t want to be treated that way. In fact, we should attempt to build those relationships and those bridges to others. The only way to have a true impact on others is through love, the first fruit of faith. And these connections are essential to one who may have an awakened conscience and longs to hear the sweet message of the gospel of forgiveness of sins. If we’ve built walls instead of bridges, this possibility that a seeking one would approach us may be less likely. We ALL carry insecurities, we ALL have felt different in some way or other at some time in our lives. Many things in life can make us feel different. We can feel “different” if we aren’t dressed like others or look like others. We can feel different if we are having a bad day or have worries weighing us down. I remember feeling “different” in high school. I was the only believer in my school for many years, and I don’t remember anyone treating me unkindly due to my religious beliefs. But by not participating in school sports or plays or joining school friends on outings to the movies or parties, I was and felt different. I can’t imagine how difficult it would have been if I would have been teased or poked fun of. We have so much to learn from each other. We are all unique in looks, actions and life experiences. Not just believers but everyone in the world is different! God made us that way. We not only look different, but we act different – and it is truly a beautiful thing! When I observed children in the school setting see beyond differences and make allowances to include everyone, my heart would swell. I watched a group playing a game which included a nonverbal student. The others were able to understand what he was meaning through his few words and hand gestures with no awkwardness. And I have seen a group enthusiastically cheering for a teammate that was more of a hindrance than a help to a team. There were no complaints at his shortcomings, knowing he did his best! When I see this the emotion bubbles up and tears come to my eyes at the sheer beauty of it! My heart overflows with love for these kids that can embrace the differences and accept others for who they are! Even people who choose to look different or act different in a way that is contrary to our beliefs need respect. Some people do make choices that are contrary to the Bible’s teachings. I think it is good to remember their first and biggest sin is unbelief. If they don’t have the Holy Spirit how can they gauge right from wrong? I don’t feel that we have a reason to treat someone poorly, just because we are given the grace privilege to have our sins forgiven and they are not believing. If we look at others with acceptance and love, think of the huge impact we can make in the lives of people around us! Even if we are different from each other, we can show them kindness – thus making the difference insignificant! I believe this is a way we can be a light! How He Became a Soldier of Christ Nathan Muhonen | The Voice of Zion June/July 2021 - Home and Family Article -- I met a soldier at my nephew Derek’s wedding. Derek had served in the US Army as a soldier and a mechanic on the Blackhawk helicopters for six years. His best friend for those six years was now watching Derek’s wedding before the eyes of God and God’s congregation. This soldier, Matt, was later called into a different kind of service, to be a soldier in faith. While Derek served in the military, stationed in Tennessee, God blessed him with a good friend whose name was Matt Sloan. Matt wasn’t a believer at the time, but there was a mutual trust that Derek and Matt shared both in their call of duty and in their free time. Matt sensed that Derek was not comfortable partaking in the things of this world. Matt found more enjoyment hanging out with Derek in their free time rather than going with the other guys to the movies or bars where worldly music played, vulgar language was spoken and alcohol was consumed. God’s ways are always far above our ways. Derek did not realize how God was using him to be a light in this dark world. Neither did Matt realize how God was preparing the soil of his heart to receive the gift of faith. Time passed and Derek's six years of service to our country came to an end. And even though Derek was happy to return to civilian life, he would be leaving a good friend behind. But Derek and Matt promised to stay in touch and it wasn’t long before Matt called Derek and said that he would be in Colorado on a training mission, close to Glenwood Springs. Just by chance Derek would be in Glenwood Springs at that time. It was a happy reunion for them and a chance for Matt to meet many other believing young people. Another time Matt and Derek were able to meet in Montana when Matt was on another training mission. Again Matt was able to meet a large group of youth who believed. It was on this trip that Matt began to sense a level of peace and comfort within this group, a peace like he had never felt in other groups. Yet he himself did not feel the connection that they had. Matt grew up in a family that did not attend church services on a regular basis. He did not have great Bible knowledge. Yet he felt drawn to the believers. During these months, Derek had begun a relationship with a young woman named Morgan. One thing led to the next and soon there was the announcement of Derek and Morgan’s intentions to get married. Matt was not about to miss out on a close friend’s wedding. He joined Derek’s family on the weekend of the wedding and spent time with many believers from Colorado, Montana and Minnesota, among them young people he had met before. At the wedding, Matt witnessed the vows as Derek and Morgan were joined together as one before God. It was a wedding like Matt had never seen before. He felt comfort in witnessing his close friend getting married surrounded by guests who seemed to be at peace. Matt watched as during the reception young people gathered around the bride and groom and sang a farewell song wishing God’s blessings to them. This was the moment when I noticed Derek’s young friend from the military standing back, away from the group of singers, taking it all in. I decided to introduce myself to him and maybe chat a little. “What are your thoughts?” I asked him. “It seems like everyone here is family.” “It is so. This is God’s house and we are God’s children,” I replied. We were then able to visit about how the way to heaven goes through God’s kingdom here on earth. Apostle Paul describes God’s kingdom as a body wherein Jesus is the head and we are the other members of that one body, and there is only one body even as there is only one kingdom of God. Matt listened intently but did not receive the grace of repentance at this time, even though I did ask him. We exchanged phone numbers and hoped that we could meet again someday. Then, maybe a month or two later when I was attending a meeting at the Rockford church on a Saturday, my mind thought about Matt. I sent him a quick text that said, “Hi Matt, how are you doing?” He quickly responded with a phone call and said he would love to talk but must leave on a training mission. He asked if I could please call him back in the evening when he will be off duty. I promised I would. That evening came, and when Matt and I were able to visit, I didn’t have to explain a lot of things because after a short amount of time I asked Matt if he would want to believe all his sins forgiven. He said, “Yes, that is what I want.” I preached the forgiveness of all his sins forgiven in Jesus’ name and precious blood. He then said, I can’t explain it, but it feels like a big weight has been lifted off of me.” For the rest of the call, we talked about the new battle of faith that Matt will now begin and that will not end until he passes from this life into eternity. Matt understood two matters: He is a sinner, and he is in need of God’s grace and forgiveness. The gospel became dear to Matt as it is to all believers. We agreed that though the temptations and pleasures of this world are strong, there is nothing more desirable than to make it to heaven. And the Bible teaches us to “walk in the light as he is in the light, having fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sins.” Now each time we talk our main focus is the way and the journey of faith and to comfort one another with the gospel. Teachers Can Be Lights, Too Brielle Muhonen | The Voice of Zion June/July 2021 - Home and Family Article -- Early in my pre-service teacher education, I was placed as a student teacher at Little Mountain Elementary in Monticello, Minnesota. I wondered how it would be having believing students at the school. Would it be strange seeing children at church functions and in the classroom? Would it be difficult to maintain professional boundaries? How would I handle the inevitable questions that would come my way about my faith once fellow teachers figured out that I was a believer and that I knew these children through my church? After multiple teaching assignments in various elementary settings within the Monticello school district, I saw how thrilled the believing students were to have me at Little Mountain Elementary, and the feeling was mutual. We shared a special bond, having similar experiences and the same beliefs. Their parents were happy that I was in their children’s class as well. After the positive student teaching experience and as I was seeking a permanent teaching position, I knew that I would consider it an added blessing to teach in a school with believers. I applied for a 5th grade teaching position at Dassel-Cokato Middle School, expressing my understanding of and appreciation for the large Finnish population in that district, being of Finnish heritage myself. During my interview, I was asked about my Finnish background, my time in Finland studying abroad and who my relatives were that lived in Cokato. This aspect of my background was clearly an asset to my job-hunting. After being hired for the 5th grade position, I saw that my coworkers were familiar with the “Finns,” as they affectionately call both us and the Apostolic branches in the Dassel-Cokato area, but they had many questions. I was soon asked many of those questions about our faith, traditions and the differences between the different Finnish churches. It was initially intimidating, but I was given the strength to be honest in confessing my faith. One coworker remarked that she had been waiting for years to be able to ask these questions. She was thankful to finally have someone she felt comfortable to ask. Throughout my four years teaching, I have felt love and understanding from staff I have worked with. It has been a joy to be able to advocate for believing families. God has blessed me with a job that I love, coworkers who respect my faith and families who appreciate my background. Though my current work setting isn't largely diverse in ethnicities, each of my students has a unique set of experiences and a fundamental need to belong. Along with my coworkers and my own teachers who have shown love and support to me, I also strive to do the same for all of my students. Just like us, all of my students long and deserve to be respected and accepted. Questions for Thought and Discussion: 1. Sing or read the words to SHZ 560. How does the flickering candle relate to one’s light in the world? 2. Believers may perhaps not see themselves as having much light to shine – why is this? 3. Lights in the Bible were often candles or lamps interchangeably. What does light symbolize? 4. Think of a time your light was almost out. What caused that light to glow brightly again? 5. The weakest light can still illuminate darkness. Discuss.
- Caring for Our Conscience
Terry Ruonavaara | Shepherd's Voice October 2021 - Home and Family Article -- Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset us. – Hebrews 12:1 Dear children, do you read the Bible? Even short verses, like our text above, can offer encouragement in our lives of faith. These words in the book of Hebrews remind us how to care for our conscience. How has your faith, your life as a believer been? Apostle Paul tells about his faith this way: the good that I want to do I find myself not doing. And the evil or bad that I don’t want to do I find myself doing (Rom. 7:15). A young mother related a story. She said she was working in her home office while the children were in the other room playing. At some point, her young son came into the office. He asked if he could have his sins forgiven. The mother said she did not know what the boy had done, but she preached the gospel of the forgiveness of sins to him. The boy went back into the other room and happily continued playing. What can we learn from this story? The boy had done something that bothered his conscience. It troubled him and he didn’t enjoy playing. The boy knew what he had to do. He went to his mother and asked to have his sins forgiven. Then his conscience did not bother him anymore! He was happy again. He continued playing with a joyful heart. God speaks to us through our conscience. He reminds us of the sin that is on our conscience. But God also gives us a way to care for our conscience. We can lay aside the weight of sin that often besets us; we can ask for forgiveness in Jesus’ name and precious blood. In this way, we can continue traveling on the way to heaven. May you, dear children, be given strength to continue to put sin away. Apostle Paul reminds us, “Keep faith and a good conscience” (1 Tim. 1:19). One day this faith will take you home to heaven. Things to Visit About: 1. How do we know what is right and what is wrong? 2. How does our conscience help us on our pathway to heaven? 3. How do you care for your conscience?
- God Helps Restore Trust
Ed and Yvonne Tolkkinen | TheVoice of Zion February 2022 - Home and Family Article -- In our time, we see division and strife in many forms: turmoil, demonstrations, denial of the scientific community’s findings. These have a common thread, mistrust. Through various media platforms, people can find like-minded peers – those who share their experiences and beliefs and who validate their thoughts. We also use such platforms to validate our own opinions and perceptions. This may bring an understanding that only our own beliefs are valid. We fail to see that a different view may be legitimate. This leads to a lack of empathy, a lack of respect for fellow humans and, ultimately, polarization. Believers are not immune to mistrust. We might mistrust those who make actions we don’t agree with, we question their motives. We become angry at opposing viewpoints. However, is this the correct attitude for a believer? Of course we have freedom to differ and to express our own views. Still, believers have a responsibility to use words thoughtfully, to be moderate, and to place our position in the secure light of God’s Word. How far do we go in asserting our rights as citizens, in challenging mandates and restrictions? Even in these matters it seems we should turn to God’s Word. We are encouraged to be subject to those whom God has placed in positions of authority (Rom. 13:1,2). In addition, let us listen to God’s spoken Word, the voice of the congregation. We have seen how the pandemic has affected believers’ relationships. Some are vocal in expressing support for the medical establishment, while others are vocal in expressing disagreement with it. Sometimes this alienates those who hold a differing viewpoint, giving the enemy of souls a foothold. There have been cases where offence has been caused and matters have festered. Most of us are not scientists and have not studied matters from a scientific point of view. Therefore we make our decisions based on the wisdom God sees fit to share through those He places in various positions and through other trustworthy sources. We understand that no human institution is infallible; scientific institutions are made up of people too. Nonetheless it is God who allows understanding in medical science, though we acknowledge that there are still mysteries. God will lead us even in questions we don’t understand, according to His will. In times when we feel polarization, or in instances where love has been broken, let us remember to treat others as we wish to be treated. God can help us restore mutual trust and heal wounds that polarization caused. We can mend broken love with the power found in the gospel of forgiveness of sins. We can pray for acceptance of what is and what comes. This life and these matters will only last a fleeting moment in the face of eternity. God promises to care for us. Do We Speak Truth About Our Neighbor? Mike and Brenda Kumpula | The Voice of Zion February 2022 - Home and Family Article -- What is gossip? Gossip means speaking about a topic using words or details that are not confirmed to be true. We typically associate gossip with being negative or using words that could cause harm. Gossip may be a collection of partial truths; human nature wants to “spread the news” even if it is not confirmed. Most of us have played the game of “telephone” where a phrase is whispered from one to another around a group. When the phrase is said aloud at the end, it is often different than the original phrase. The lesson here is how quickly a message can be mixed up. Passing unconfirmed hearsay can be dangerous and hurtful if the message contains negative material. On the other hand, words that edify are words that encourage, heal or uplift. Being on the receiving end of words that edify feels much better than being the subject of gossip. We should remember this in our own speech. “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matt. 7:12). The greatest work of the tongue and the greatest words that edify we can ever use is preaching the forgiveness of sins. How can we tell the difference between gossip and voicing concern? It is not always easy to tell the intentions of another’s words. We have noticed that gossip can be disguised under the cloak of voicing concern for another. Often, the best way to differentiate between the two is by looking at the approach. A person who goes to the source for information shows true concern and caring. It might be appropriate to ask whether the speaker has attempted to reach the person being discussed. If the subject of discussion has not been asked, then what is being shared may be considered gossip. We have been instructed to be our brother’s keeper, so we need to care about our neighbors and friends. Yet, a line is crossed when we go from voicing concern to spreading harmful gossip. We can even remember what God’s Word says about the fruits of His spirit and use them as a guide: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Gal. 5:22,23). Do believers gossip? All humankind is faulty, and believers are no exception. While visiting with our many friends, it could be easy to make assumptions, spread things we may not know for fact but have heard through a secondary source. Certainly, we have all been guilty of this at some point in our lives, either by gossiping ourselves or by listening to gossip without confirming whether the information is accurate. Sometimes – whether busy or idle – it can be that we are tempted to focus on things in others’ lives. We know that all of us fall into this – we all are curious about others’ joys and trials and faults, and as said in Romans 3:10, “There is none who is righteous, no not one.” When through self-reflection we become aware that we have spoken uncharitably about our neighbor, or that we have perhaps even knowingly passed on harmful information that is not our business, we can correct matters by speaking with the one harmed and caring for the matter with the gospel. We can also visit with the source of the information and tell them we have taken our part out of it and cared for matters. How can we steer a conversation away from gossip and slanderous talk? A very direct way to end gossip is to verify information that is being passed along. Simply, we can ask for verification. Also, it is okay to question whether the one speaking knows for a fact that what they are saying is true. Bluntness is sometimes a correct way to deal with a situation that is potentially harmful. We can even ask the person why they are telling us this. If they review their motives, it may help them choose more carefully what they repeat. In Scripture we are instructed, “Speak not evil one of another” (James 4:11). We can all support one another in avoiding words that wound and instead speaking of others with words that build and heal. What Is True? Name withheld | The Voice of Zion February 2022 - Home and Family Article -- A dictionary states that truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. We understand and believe that God’s Word is true; it is the same yesterday, today and forever. We know this by faith, which is a way of knowing that transcends other ways of knowing, such as empirical truth. Today we have access to hundreds of information sources at any time. There are plenty of options to choose from. Social media, podcasts and traditional news sources all to some degree reflect their own ideologies and biases. News is freely mixed with opinion and entertainment, including comedy and satire. This makes it difficult to navigate. By many avenues the devil seeks to spread rumor, discord and unrest. We can sense this on a national and local, even personal, level. We wonder what sources we can trust to be factual regardless of bias. Believers can also become mistrusting and unloving towards our neighbor and societal authority. Is this temptation close to you? Or maybe a loved one acts out openly against authority, speaks poorly of a neighbor or even of another believer. This causes offence. How can we believers navigate in our fractured time? We travel through a strange and foreign time towards our heavenly home. There are many forces vying for power. Information whether evidence-based or rumor, can beget power, influence or money. Do we also feel pressure to know more and more? Among the fruits of the Holy Spirit is temperance. Are we able to adequately temper our appetite for information, and our reaction to the influx of information so that we can be a light in this dark world? Are our reactions helpful to our neighbors and fellow believers or have we attempted instead to gain the upper hand with superior insight and understanding? We see in God’s Word how this desire to know – to gain elevated wisdom – was present with the first human pair. It even led to their fall into sin. In the past two years, we have heard strong words like “revolt” and “revolution” in discussions with others. This has been very troubling. It has not brought us comfort and has made us withdraw from certain relationships. Does the inclination to resist stem from a lack of trust in God’s providence? In all these let us recall who is the Creator of this world, who has allowed these times to come to pass, and who is the source of comfort and strength even in dark times. God lights our path and the gospel of forgiveness of sins can remove obstacles our mind places in front of us and restore trust in God and in governance He ordains. How do we stay in the middle of the road and not get wrapped up in extreme viewpoints? We are dwellers of the countries where we live whether we are citizens there or elsewhere. Jesus commands that we “love our neighbor.” Our greatest desire for our neighbors is that they would seek the kingdom of God. Likewise, we desire that all our conversation with other believers would edify and strengthen faith. As responsible citizens we follow what is occurring in society. However, as believers our reactions should be tempered. Are we quick to post or repost something we see on social media, or do we wait to see if what has been published is true? Sending His disciples to preach of the kingdom of heaven, Jesus instructs, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matt. 10:16). As discussions take place, we wonder whether similar discussions occurred a hundred years ago with the First World War and another pandemic in recent memory. News certainly wouldn’t have traveled as quickly throughout the world but when a believer received the news how did they process it? They too had to stay moderate and trust that God had a plan and would show a way forward. Though our flesh may be attracted to join in extreme theories or opinions we hear, may we instead gravitate toward those things that bring God’s peace. How do we not become fearful or create fear in others? We need to trust in the true promises of God. Likewise, we can speak of these to those around us, especially our young ones and children: how God is good and all-knowing (Ps. 78). Even the events in the world today are allowed by His will. God will care for His own and answer our questions in His time. The Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you” (Phil. 4:8,9). Am I Truthful? Name withheld | The Voice of Zion February 2022 - Home and Family Article -- What does truth mean to you? To help conceptualize this, we can ask, “Am I a truthful person?” We have been instructed since childhood to be truthful, to confess our faith openly, to not tell lies. It seems so straightforward; yet to be truthful includes not to be misleading, deceiving or to bluff one’s way through a situation or tell a fib. Has it ever been tempting to not be truthful to someone? To a friend, co-worker, classmate or a customer? Many of us have been in this circumstance at some time. Why is it that sometimes it feels that one hasn’t the strength to be completely truthful? It can be especially difficult to be truthful or openly honest to a believing friend that has openly stated a difference of opinion to yours. You likely don’t want to offend them or possibly lose a friendship. Yet when you have strength to say what’s on your mind and leave nothing concealed, then you can experience personal freedom. Giving the impression you agree with someone even when you do not can leave you with a feeling of dishonesty. As Paul writes to the Ephesians, “Speak every man truth with his neighbor” (4:25). These last two years have been a time of upheaval in a world dealing with a health pandemic. It has been a time that we have never experienced before. We have been inundated with information, advice and opinions from friends, family, health care providers, government and other sources. At times, it feels overwhelming listening to so many differing opinions and viewpoints. At the beginning of the pandemic, some customers and family members messaged and warned to be careful of, for example, the government. Some messages seemed akin to seeing hidden agendas. These thoughts seemed to consume the people that shared them with us. To our customers that were troubled, we offered encouragement not to be fearful. We told them we personally believe that even this pandemic is in God’s plan; we only need to live one day at a time. We visited openly within our family about the worrisome theories others discussed, and we advised them to avoid reading too much online about the theories. We do not need to fear and lend our minds to foreign ideas. Time would be better spent reading The Voice of Zion and other Christian publications. We recall the words from Proverbs, where we are reminded, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (3:5). This helped us put some ideas we heard into perspective. It is important that those ideas would not take away our everyday joy of believing or become obstacles to faith. In discussing divisive topics, we can quickly feel frustration or even anger; thankfully we can put away offenses beneath the gospel even in these matters. As the pandemic progressed, we experienced numerous restrictions – these were not enjoyable. Yet we need to be respectful and obedient to the laws. We have noticed that even among believers some encourage others to resist restrictions and question the rules put in place. However, the Bible encourages us to be moderate in all things, and to be obedient to the laws of the land, unless they would be contrary to our faith. The writer to the Hebrews says, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves” (13:17). When disagreement over following the law happens, a wedge may be driven between believers. Freedom to speak openly and truthfully is hindered. Even little comments or a text message can begin to break the love between believing friends. For us, it has been hard to have a meaningful conversation with a friend when one resists the rules and the other wishes to comply. It has been difficult to find strength to visit about this lack of freedom, and we feel the devil has done its work. We are thankful that God has continued to guide our personal pathways in faith. May He give us all strength to be open and truthful and respectful to one another. May He also grant us patience toward those who struggle in mistrust. We pray that God would allow us to look past this moment’s hardships and again see the beauty of unity and one-minded love in God’s kingdom. Questions for Discussion What are the fruits of the spirit (Gal. 5:22–26)? How do they guide us when we consider information and truth? How do we distinguish the truth of God’s Word and the truth found through empirical methods? In the Bible, the serpent asked Eve “Who told you so?” What causes mistrust of authority in our lives? When if ever is this mistrust warranted? Read Psalm 78 in its entirety. What central points could be extracted from this psalm to support our lives as consumers of information? Read, for example, verses 7–8, 20, 68–72. What attracts people, even believers, to spread theories or claims that seem to have no evidence? How can we speak of events of our time in a way that sows comfort and peace among the people close around us?
- Truth Is God’s Word
Meriel Aho | Shepherd's Voice February/March 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Patient Teacher of the children, guiding e’er with tender grace, You alone interpret Scripture and reveal the Savior’s face. To my spirit testify that my Maker hears my cry. With the children let me gather pleading, help me! Abba, Father! You know all the gospel’s mysteries, all the hidden thoughts of God; to His children You are telling of the glory there above. Help me always love the Word, that I look to the reward that of grace to me is given and awaits me there in heaven.” (SHZ 127:3,5) The Holy Spirit teaches us truth which is God’s Word. While the Bible can be read by anyone and interpreted in many ways, the Holy Spirit unlocks God’s message for us, His children. That is why we understand and believe God’s Word as He teaches it through the Holy Spirit. We can do this through faith. With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can hear and love God’s truth. Songs and hymns of Zion are another way we learn of God’s love through His Word. In song 127, we can learn about truth. The song tells how the Holy Spirit teaches us with love. The truth teaches and heals God’s children. It is a message of hope that we can get to heaven one day. Children of God can preach to us the message that we can believe all of our sins forgiven in Jesus’ name and blood. When we believe in God, we also believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; these three are one living God. Things to Visit About: 1. How does the Holy Spirit help us know what is true? 2. What helps us believe God’s Word is true? 3. Believing is not the same as knowing. How are these two things different?
- Here to Serve
Heli and Andrew Jurmu | The Voice of Zion April 2022 - Home and Family Article -- I need one more task done. Again. I don’t want to ask again. At times it’s tiring raising these children. It would be much easier to do it myself. Parenting can be a challenge. “I know you have already done a lot, dear. But do you still have it in your heart to go fold those clothes?” “Yeah, yeah. You don’t need to go through all that sweet-talking, mom. I can do it. Just tell me.” She seems annoyed but rises to the task. She knows more than I did at age 16, how to raise kids and run a household. As at home, in a congregation there are many different duties and jobs. Some of us raise, teach and educate children and youth. Some make meals, some serve from the pulpit, some clean bathrooms, some translate and some sing with a thousand tongues. All jobs are important. One talent that we all own is beautiful – that of forgiving sins. It is a precious gift which we all received with our gift of faith. Let us use it with happy hearts. Love is a fruit of faith. This love makes us want to serve others. When we serve, God blesses it. We gain new friendships. We then realize: we are not serving alone. Our joy increases. We learn more about the Bible and faith. Escorts are a wonderful gift. Parents serve by taking their children to services. Preaching the gospel at home is serving others. We all get to taste the wonderful food that our souls need. Why do we sometimes say no? Are we all too busy, too talentless? Why is hard to help and serve in God’s kingdom? Or why do some seem to do less? It is not our job to judge others. We do our job to the best of our abilities. God sees each heart. God is rich. He could shower blessings on His congregation such that no one would need to work anymore. There would no longer be a request to serve or raise funds. Life would be easy – we could have it all. But God does not want that for us. Rather, He wants us to be focused. What IS the most important thing in our life? “Hey boys, why do you want to serve at church? Why do you say yes?” Two young men look at me, puzzled. “What do you mean? Why not serve?” My teenage daughter rolls her eyes. “It’s fun, mom. You get to be with other believers!” We agree that it is the Holy Spirit that guides us to serve. My husband and I look at our children, all fifteen of them. They are part of the future of God’s kingdom. We pray God gives us all willing hearts to serve. “Here am I; send me” (Isa. 6:8). Helen Showed Her Love through Service to Others Rebecca Riutta | The Voice of Zion May 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Helen Riutta, my dear mother-in-law showed God’s love by serving others. In everyday life she served her family and at services and holidays she willingly served God’s kingdom. Helen had gifts of the spirit that included an ability to listen, an act of love. She listened without passing judgement and measured advice thoughtfully. She would stop to take a break from her work and welcome a long visit. Helen laughed and rebuked, both with love. I found that during a visit with Helen one could easily confide a problem and ask for a blessing – support on the shared journey toward heaven. Helen had many children that looked to her as a mother. She babysat and developed life-long bonds with those children. Teenagers moved in for a spell and she extended love to them as well. To me, Helen was a support during trials in my life. I turned to her for words of comfort and kindness. When I married into the family, I had no idea of the impact Helen would have on my life. She welcomed me into her family so lovingly. Grandkids would mess her house and she never minded. She once washed the window but left a perfect little handprint smudge on the glass to admire. I lived with Helen a few years and during that time I gathered some wisdom: children come first, serve with a thankful heart, curb your tongue and thoughts, work hard and laugh freely, be friendly and kind to all around you. I think that Helen was fulfilled when she was useful. Her generosity spread kindness and love. God gave her the gift of positivity. Helen was blessed in God’s kingdom, and she spread the fruit of love by putting away sin and preaching the gospel. The fruit of love was with Helen because she believed her sins forgiven and thus could forgive others. Editor’s note: Helen Riutta gained the rest of the righteous on June 26, 2019. Yours Completely Wayne Kallio | The Voice of Zion May 2022 - Home and Family Article -- I want to share a portion of this letter from my first wife Mary Anne. I came across it as I was reviewing my life and digging through keepsakes stored in a trunk. The letter was written in 1965, so it is now 57 years old, yet its words and message are as alive to me now as they were then. I share part of this handwritten letter for two reasons: first to show the younger generations how different communications were when their parents or even grandparents were young adults. It is written longhand. Typewriters were cumbersome machines. There were no personal computers or iPads then. The internet was unheard of, as were smart phones, and there were no social media by which one could communicate quickly or for free! It took almost two weeks for a letter to cross the ocean, so news was already old when it reached its recipient. If one asked a question from homefolks, it could be a month before a response was received. Thankfully, by the time we spent a couple years together in China, PCs were everywhere so we could stay in touch with family daily. The whole letter is six pages long. How long would it take you to write such a letter? Would those who nowadays communicate with symbols – emojis, hearts, LOLs and so on – find it easy to sustain a line of thought that long? Would they have the patience or perseverance to create such thought-flow? The main reason I’m sharing this letter is to illuminate how central and how wonderful faith is to one’s courtship and to one’s life. In the 1960s, Mary Anne was working in Toronto. She was granted leave to return to Saskatchewan for two weeks to heal from a carpal tunnel operation. It was in that way that God brought us together. This was her first letter to me after she departed. It is genuine, from heart to heart. It speaks volumes about what sort of relationship carries one through life. Though Mary Anne is now gone, these memories live on in my heart and mind. I feel God’s blessings in our togetherness yet today, even though she is in heaven and I am yet here. May God bless you and your loved one as He did us. Excerpt from Mary Anne’s Letter to Wayne “You know that my happiest moment will be when we can be married so that we never have to be apart again. Then I will know true happiness when I can devote the rest of my life to you, when I can be yours completely – sharing your happiness as well as your sorrows. I pray that it is the will of our Heavenly Father that we won’t have to be apart long and that we can be joined as one. We have to put our trust in God, Wayne, and pray that He will guide us along our life’s way – along the narrow path. “He has blessed us in so many wonderful ways – but first because He has kept us on this narrow path as His children. When I think of what wonderful families we both have, what a rich blessing this alone is, oh how thankful I am that God has been so merciful as to make me see how wrong I was in seeking companionship away from His flock. And then He blessed me by giving me the love of one of His own – one who has such a deep love for God – one whose faith is so all-important to him. “I promise that I shall put my trust in God in guiding us down the narrow path of life together. And think of the blessedness of a marriage such as this. No problem would be too great as long as we hang on to our faith, darling; the reward will be so great when the last trumpet sounds. Even then there will be no parting from our loved ones. Oh, how worthwhile this struggle here on earth is even though at times it seems so useless to fight these temptations planted before us by the devil to try entice us away. I think how often I doubt, I stumble, I fall but still through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can believe even our smallest doubts, all our sins forgiven. “My prayers for you are that God will guide you through your days of loneliness and always, through the good times and the bad. Oh what it means to me that we have been able to spend so much time together! All the long discussions we have had about faith have been so uplifting and to be able to ask your dearly beloved to bless you when you are burdened – it is so wonderful, isn’t it? How important that we have this blessing or where would we be? “Wayne, darling, always remember how much I love you and need you and this love will never change. I will stand by you forever – no matter what. Of this you can be sure. I think of the happy times ahead when we can work together side by side through our lives. Oh darling, how I look forward to that day. All will be well then with no more heartache from being parted. Even how down I may feel out here, I know I have your complete love forever as you have mine, and knowing this helps so much. I can’t even feel sad knowing this – just sheer loneliness is what gets the best of me at times.” Editor’s note: Wayne Kallio gained the rest of the righteous on March 16, 2022. Questions for Discussion: What does “love thy neighbor as thyself” mean to you personally? When is this instruction of Christ most difficult? What makes it so? 1 John 4:19 says, “We love him because he first loved us.” What does this mean? How do you show your love for fellow believers and other neighbors? What is the greatest act of love a believer can do for our neighbors?
- A Song of Unity
Anthony and Jaana Bratt | The Shepherd's Voice June/July 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Keep us together bound as one; we have a common goal: You are yourself the hope and home of each believing soul. (SHZ 432:6) To us, Song of Zion 432 is a prayer for a unified and loving home, a home that is under God’s guidance. This song has been a comfort and guide to us since before we were married. We listened to it many times when we were planning our future together. The words of the song stayed with us so much that in our living area there is a sign that Jaana made shortly after our marriage. It says, “Lord, bless this home You gave to us.” The song contains good reminders to stay together, and to be forgiving in good times and bad times. When we sing this song, we remember we are not alone on this journey. It is a good guide and prayer to help us on our way to heaven. Things to Visit About: 1. How do we keep our home a place of peace? What things steal peace? 2. What common goal do believers have? 3. What does unity feel like? How do we know when we have unity with others?
- Seasons of Life
The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Articles -- The seasons of life are rich with pleasure and pain for all of humankind. Yet, through it all our heavenly Father never leaves us. He hears our prayers and answers with His peace. In each season, there is cause to contemplate the roses and thorns; what God knew we needed might not align with what we planned or wanted. This Home and Family feature looks at diverse seasons of life, asking writers from across the continent to reflect on the fullness of God’s providence. Life Teaches Us Kylie Skoog | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Seasons cycle through. Knowing a hard season makes the next challenge easier and the good seasons appreciated. It was 2018 and I had just had my first child. I was lonely, unsure about my new role as a mother and really yearning for my own mother’s guidance. I wished we lived closer to my parents. That season of life, adjusting to my first baby, felt difficult. My life was filled with new and scary things that I had never done before. Then, just last week I stumbled across a picture of me in front of the wood stove, my firstborn cuddled in my arms. I now yearn for that exact time when he was so little; we looked so cozy. Now that our family has grown, I wish I had more chances to sit for an hour with one child. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to enjoy the peacefulness. At the time I tended to view this peacefulness as boredom. I felt pressure and daunting responsibility having someone completely dependent on me, but I needed to pause and take in the innocence of that little bundle. Very soon he will be up and running with his friends and he will not have time to cuddle with his mother. At a point when I saw the distance between my mother and me as an inconvenient hurdle to the instant help and answers I wanted, it may have been useful to my growth, because I was forced to face hard lessons I may have otherwise disregarded. Those past seasons that were so difficult to navigate we can now view with new eyes, realizing God was helping us gain the skills and experience for future hardships we may face. Dear friend, maybe you think you can’t endure a current hardship much longer, but know that today you are being given the tools and lessons necessary for a future challenge. You will be sufficiently equipped, and that season will pass much more smoothly. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Eccl. 3:1). A Time of Learning Kayla Wuollet | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Life has had its fair share of changes over the past year. My family moved from Minnesota to Arizona, and I moved out of my childhood home and into an apartment with friends. I was completing my final year of graduate school, studying Communication Sciences and Disorders. It was hard being away from family and having to spend much of my time on campus either in class or with clients. I had heard from others that graduate school can consume your life if you let it, and there was a point where my schedule didn’t allow me to make it to Wednesday evening church. When I was able to have more control over my schedule, I felt I needed to keep that night free and hold church a priority. There was also a temptation of becoming too close with my school friends. Several times I was invited to join them at a social gathering. When I was given the strength to share about my faith and why I do not participate in drinking or parties, my school friends respected me and stopped inviting me to join them in partying. This made my school life easier and more enjoyable. During this busy time of my professional studies, I relied heavily on my sister who lived nearby with her husband and baby. Visiting almost weekly, we became much closer. Both of us missed our parents and siblings. We felt blessed to have each other here to lean on when life became overwhelming. This time was one of learning, professionally as I completed my degree, and personally as I began to understand the importance of trusted friends with whom I could share my daily experiences, concerns and hopes. Throughout this season of changes, God knew what I needed. Future and Hope Lisa Haataja | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- What happened? I look around and see my friends’ children getting married and having babies, promoting my friends to the status of grandma or grandpa. For them, it is an exciting time, a new stage in life. My life doesn’t have those solid markers of time. The years of working and traveling all blend together. How is it possible that so much time has passed? Since I don’t have a family to care for I have a flexible schedule, allowing for activities that I enjoy. If I get invited to go on a trip or to someone’s home for a visit, I try to make it work even when life is busy. I know there will be times of quietness as well. I live in a beautiful area of the country that people enjoy visiting. I’ve been able to host many friends and family over the years. These visits are special for me, a time to show them highlights of the area. I deeply love the outdoors. I’ve been fortunate to be able to connect with all ages through hiking. I’ve been on multiple hikes over the years with the younger single girls in Montana. I’ve also been on hiking trips with my mom and her friends. These hikes have brought opportunities to connect with other believers and discuss many different topics. At times thoughts come to mind and I wonder what my future holds. How will I fill my free time in the future? Other single friends have shared the same concern with me. Although we wonder and worry, we also marvel that God has taken care of us to this point – we can trust that He will do the same tomorrow, and all our future days. Building Our Relationship During a Time of Pandemic Kyle and Cassie Seppala | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Couples who are establishing a serious relationship may experience blessings and challenges and learn many lessons. So it was for us during the recent pandemic. One of the major challenges was being in a long- distance relationship when long stretches of time passed without us seeing each other. Added to that, we were in different time zones and, for part of it, on different sides of the world. We had to figure out how to shift our priorities – to make time to call often. On those calls, we had deep discussions. After all, staying up all night to just talk about the weather isn’t worth it! As we were going together, the COVID-19 pandemic brought hardships into our lives. With the U.S.-Canada border closed for many months, we couldn’t see each other as much as we would have liked. Also, we were uncertain when we could next spend time together. When Kyle was finally able to come visit in Saskatchewan, the two-week quarantine measures were in effect. This meant he came and spent that time at my parents’ farm, with my family. That quality time together helped my family and Kyle get to know each other so much better than they might have otherwise. With those hardships and lessons were many, many blessings. One that stands out to us as we reflect is how special it was when we finally got to spend time together in person. Looking back, being apart from each other for long periods of time was a blessing, though difficult at the time. It helped us grow closer together, although we were far apart in distance. We Pray for Even One Andy and Denise Loukusa | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Our minds are swift to compare and reason. The human condition is easily discontent. We often require answers for the unfair things in life and in the world. Sometimes I launch into a season of unrest over my life circumstances. The heavenly Potter has richly blessed me: I have my faith, spouse, home and career, just to name a few. God has not gifted my spouse and me with children. My mind battles this. I think of children born in unfortunate circumstances, perhaps living on the streets while we, able to provide food and shelter, pray for even one of God’s little blessings. Questions and doubts fill our minds. At times we are advised childlessness is the better blessing. Some even scoff when they hear that childlessness may be a trial for couples. Still, when evening comes, the quiet stillness in our home grows into an enormous storm in our hearts. I often long for the chaos I knew as a child in a large family; to be surrounded by loved ones again. Though I struggle to accept it, I desire to believe that God promises no trial we cannot bear. And although reminders of our condition are everywhere, we find seasons of peace amongst the grief. In all things, isn’t it easier to find contentment when we meditate around our blessings with gratitude? That’s how I have found it to be. When gratitude is joined with the living gospel and believing escorts, my heart and mind can rest. Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us there is a time to weep; sometimes we do. As weeks have turned into months and years, my husband and I have felt the season of mourning. When escorts, either by empathy or experience, can share our load and enclose us in their family circles, we experience the time of building up, love and laughter. We also desire to support our escorts in their trials. Through Jesus’ name and blood, we can be freed from our earthly portion and reassured of the heavenly goal. There, the season of laughter and joy lasts forever. Finding Joy, Blessings, and Contentment Mitchell and Deanna Simonson | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Deanna: My motto is: “Do what I love so that I can love what I do.” For each of us, this adage can take on a different meaning. For me, it means taking time to do what I love – exercising, being outdoors, playing the piano and singing. Singing in the church choir and attending camps to be with believers and enjoying nature have been highlights of my free time. Mitchell and Deanna: As we pass through the different seasons of life, we find that supporting each other as husband and wife is important. We wish to ensure our temporal and spiritual needs are being taken care of. If things aren’t going well in our relationship, making time for each other becomes a priority to reconnect. Expressing gratitude really helps shift perspective on the tough days, and in turn it helps us become more thankful for the good days. Song of Zion 351 comes to mind: “Thanks for joys and thanks for tears.” Creating a joyful environment at home for our ten children is something we strive to do; this helps foster the joy, blessings and contentment of life we hope we all can experience. We pray to the heavenly Father for contentment in this season of life, trusting in God that He knows our needs and guides us. The power of the gospel strengthens and guides us no matter the season. It restores our focus on heaven; we want to be ready when our time is called. Empty Nesters Bruce and Patricia Raisanen | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- Patricia: Bruce’s Aunt Sylvia’s advice rings clear, “Embrace each new stage.” We have navigated through one year of being empty nesters. After 43 years of marriage and 42 years of raising children to adulthood, I am excited to experience a new life with just the two of us. Now it is time to embrace this new season. As my Grandpa Walt would say, “All thanks go to God.” Bruce: To me, it’s a huge change having no children at home. Although the change came on gradually, I wonder where the time went. Yes, I tell people, it feels like I have a flat tire once our youngest moved away – I just don’t have the drive. Now Patti and I are learning how to entertain ourselves. We really treasure our believing escorts more than ever. Each Day Is Grace Anew Luella Grangroth | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- The words of David in Psalms 31:25 come to mind. “I have been young and now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, not his seed begging bread.” The season of old age in life comes with many moods and feelings: fear and apprehension of the days ahead, and warm and comforting thoughts and memories of life past. For the present, for each day, the righteous are not forsaken even though doubts and sin abound, God’s mercy never fails. Each day is grace anew; the gospel is in the mouths of believers to assure the needy that sins are forgiven in the name and blood of Jesus. The joy of an aged parent is to see the growth of the family. My husband and I, two aged grandparents, are blessed with children born into the fifth generation. God has blessed them all with abundant bread, lacking nothing. Prayers rise to the heavenly Father: “Preserve them and us in Your grace kingdom all the days of life.” Home Hospice for Isä Tarja Brown | The Voice of Zion November 2022 - Home and Family Article -- My father – Isä as we called him – reached his eternal rest in 2021. One of his wishes was that he would not have to live in a nursing home at the end of his life. My husband Joe and I assured him that we would care for him. Isä spent seven months on hospice in our home. Yet today tears of joy and longing are close as I contemplate those months. It was a joy to be able to care for him. We are thankful God gave us the heart to serve, and we are thankful that we were given this time to spend with Isä. There were difficult times, and at other times it was such a blessing. Isä was able to impart many lessons of faith as we sat at the table and visited about matters. He lamented that he felt he was such a burden. We assured him that he was not a burden and that we were happy he could be with us. Seasons of life are such that he lovingly cared for me until I came of age, and then it was my turn to love and care for him until God called him home. Discussion Questions: “To every thing there is a season.” What season are you in right now? What might be particular trials and joys for each season of life? How is God’s plan evident in the phases of our lives? Our lives don’t necessarily go as we thought they would. How have you learned in your life that God knew what you needed? In what ways do we support each season in our congregations? Discuss additional supports we might consider for showing love and care for those in their season of life.