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September 2023 Update

Arvin Pirness | The Voice of Zion September 2023 - News and Notes --

Fall is now around the corner. I am reflecting on the busy summer of camps and the teaching that God has allowed. May God bless the instruction received during this important time in a young one’s faith life.

Father dear, to You we pray

as our children leave today

and return to school and study.

You have given them this duty;

be with them and bless them!

Father dear, You hear our prayers,

You know all our hopes and cares,

all our dreams and expectations,

all our fears and tribulations.

Father, help our children!

(SHZ 447:1,2)

Updates on LLC Activities 


  • Last winter Kamp Kipa sustained damage from snow that accumulated over the winter. The most expensive damage was to the condensing units for the freezer and coolers. Due to delays in repairs, kitchen staff have worked through an exceedingly difficult camp season. The freezer and cooler should be in service by September 1.


  • Third grade Sunday school teaching material was distributed to congregations in August. The curriculum was updated to include the Illustrated Home Bible as a resource and the objectives were consolidated into an explanatory paragraph of the lesson topic. Practical activities and ideas for teachers to use in their lessons were also developed. The committee worked on this project with an overarching premise of escort building.

  • A video that accompanies the third grade teaching materials can also be used as a guide for local congregations to hold local teachers’ workshops.

Mission Department

  • LLC Ministers 2023 Webinar 3 was held August 24. Servants of the Word discussed Communion-related issues at this session.

  • LLC Ministers 2023 Webinar 4 will be held at the LLC office on the morning of October 21. SRK Mission Speaker Matti Kontkanen will keep two sessions on pastoral counseling.

  • Ministers and Wives Camp will be held at Stony Lake Camp September 22–24. The theme for the camp is from Psalm 103: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.”

  • The biennial meeting of the LLC Area Mission Committees will be held October 10. At this fall meeting we will discuss area budgeting relating to scheduled events.

  • SLC Bible Course will be held October 6–8. The course will cover Passion Week through Pentecost. Bible Courses allow for a more in-depth study of selected topics. Ministers and Bible Class teachers and those who are interested in Bible study are especially encouraged to enroll. Please sign up if you would like to attend.

  • The 2024 events have been added to the LLC Service and Events Calendar. Rotation and special congregation services, mission trips and camps are some of the events that are found on this calendar. An interesting note – the calendar contains nearly 350 entries for the 2024 calendar year. God has blessed with many opportunities to be in the hearing of His Word and in the fellowship of brothers and sisters in faith.

Communication Department

  • The LLC Music Committee met in August for its annual in-person meeting. There was much discussion on selecting appropriate music for church and family functions. The discussion touched on questions of what music believers listen to and what the mission and purpose of music is in the life of a believer. The committee discussed the question of what church music is appropriate for believers. God blessed the discussion. These discussions will continue with the hopes that these questions would be discussed on the local level as well.

  • In August, 15 students from North America traveled to Finland to begin their opisto year. We wish them and all opisto students and staff a blessed opisto year!

  • Opisto Scholarship recipients for the 2024–25 opisto year were selected at the end of August. The list of recipients will be published as soon as all recipients have confirmed their acceptance of the scholarship offered.

  • Material and slides from the 50-year history exhibit will soon be available to view on the LLC website. Watch for more information soon. This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your knowledge of LLC history.

  • Our second annual Content Creators Workshop will be held at Stony Lake Camp September 15–17. We welcome all who create content or who are interested in creating content for LLC print and digital publications. At the workshop, writers and visual artists will have lessons and work sessions along with opportunities to brainstorm and workshop creations with others.

  • It’s time to submit your Christmas greetings to be published in the December Voice of Zion. See our website for more information.

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