Arvin Pirness | The Voice of Zion October 2023 - News and Notes Article --
Fall changes are now displayed in nature and we feel the excitement when the season’s activities begin. We look forward to many congregations hosting Fall Services, the first months of Sunday school and fall camps.
LLC representatives went to Longview in September to help launch the planning activities for 2024 Summer Services. It was so nice to plan and discuss with those in attendance and join in their enthusiasm to serve the believers. We remember this work in prayer.
Updates on LLC Activities
All camp boards are reviewing the 2023 camp season and analyzing how the facilities have served. Feedback has been received from staff and participants following each camp event with suggestions and comments. The camp boards will consider these suggestions at their respective meetings.
To date in the past year, there have been ten brothers called in various congregations as servants of God’s Word. We have rejoiced as new brothers have been asked to serve. We are planning to hold a new ministers’ workshop at the LLC office in early 2024.
Foreign Mission Work
Numerous trips have happened following summer services and will continue in the Fall. The believers in mission fields eagerly await the trips. They remember us in their prayers and ask that we remember them. We will focus on finalizing the trip plans for 2024 and adjusting trips and plans so they remain within our budget.
Camp season is winding down. This season there were:
– 438 participants at Hasscib Lake
– 761 participants at Kamp Kipa
– 1814 participants at Stony Lake
– 569 participants at West Coast camps
– We are still waiting to hear the number of participants at Prairie Shores.
A Zoom Sunday School has been created to provide Sunday School instruction to believers who may live in areas without a congregation or where it is difficult to attend Sunday School in person. Zoom Sunday School is held at 12:15 pm Eastern Time most Sundays. The link to attend is as follows:
Meeting Room: 544 905 6387
Password: SHUft5
Mid-September believers from across North America gathered under sunny autumn skies at our second annual Content Creators Workshop. Attendees are involved in many areas of our publications and communications work.
Music: workshop participants worked on composing introductions for Songs and Hymns of Zion as part of our ongoing Introduction Book project. Others created choral arrangements and melodies.
Visual art: artists gathered to discuss and practice illustration and decorative art techniques. Art is present in many LLC publications, both in print and in digital format. LLC staff compiled a display of art from LLC and SRK publications for workshop attendees to view and ponder.
Services broadcast: the broadcast coordinator team gathered to plan programming themes and content for 2024 LLC services and beyond. A presentation and brainstorming session with the whole group of workshop participants helped give insight on what kinds of programs support believers in many phases and stages of life.
Writing: presentations and workshop sessions focused on plot development in fiction and on children’s poetry. Attendees also had time to discuss and work on their own projects.
LLC Print Publications Committee: during the workshop weekend, the committee met. The contributions of workshop participants and many others across Zion were acknowledged with gratitude. It truly is so that it takes the volunteer work and contributions of content from many to make it possible to publish all that we publish in print and digitally. The committee made plans to hold another Content Creators Workshop next fall at Stony Lake Camp. In 2025, the aim will be to hold such workshops in other areas of Zion.