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March 2021 Update

Eric Jurmu | The Voice of Zion March 2021 - News and Notes --

For those living in northern lands who experience long dark cold days of winter, March welcomes longer days and the hope of spring. This year March also marks the Lenten season which leads us to the celebration of Easter and the Lord’s resurrection. One day, at the end of this journey, children of God will close their eyes of faith to open them in the glorious resurrection in heaven, and there, experience spring eternal.

Updates on LLC Activities

• Online 2021 LLC Winter Services broadcast will begin at 8 p.m. CDT, Thursday, March 18, and continue through Sunday afternoon, March 21. Visit the LLC website for details.

• An extra day of meetings for LLC Board and staff will take place during the Winter Services weekend. The extra day of meetings will give opportunity to discuss short- and long-term planning needs of the LLC.

• Planning has started for the 2021 online Summer Services and are planned to originate from the new LLC office. We hope to have a regular daily schedule of services which will be broadcast with both audio and video feeds. Details will be communicated on the LLC website and on social media as they develop.

• Many prayers have been offered as the LLC Board and Pastoral Committee works on plans for a continent-wide meeting on May 7–8. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss spiritual concerns affecting North American Zion.

• Kathy Laho retired as Communications Administrative Assistant on February 28. Kathy worked over 14 years in various supporting roles at the LLC office. Replacing her is Ruth DeLacey. We wish Kathy abundant blessings in retirement, and welcome Ruth to her new duties at the office.

• Adeline Moll was hired at the LLC office in February to fill Helen Hillukka’s position as Mission Work Administrative Assistant. We welcome her and wish Adeline God’s blessing as she begins her work at the office.

• Phoenix Laestadian Lutheran Church (PLLC) has begun their search for a new full-time pastor to replace Harri Vahajylkka, who returned to Finland in July 2020. The Phoenix congregation hopes that this will continue to be a shared position between PLLC and the LLC. We pray and trust that God will guide this search as He has guided those in the past. For more information about this pastoral position, please reach out to Andy Kesti in Cave Creek, Ariz.

• Progress on the new office facility in Monticello, Minn., is coming along very well. Many volunteers have been working diligently on the project. At the end of February, interior framing was complete, electrical and plumbing rough-ins were mostly complete and drywall hanging was started. We plan to move into the new office in May. In that case, our Summer Service broadcast will originate from the new office.

• A new songbook app for purchase is planned to be released in June. It will contain songbooks from three organizations, Songs and Hymns of Zion (LLC), Siionin Laulut ja Virsikirja (SRK) and Sions sånger och psalmer (SFC). The development was necessary as the old songbook could no longer be upgraded to new technology.

• The annual camp staff workshop was held on March 4 in support of those asked to serve at 2021 LLC camp events.

• The biennial LLC Ministers Camp will be held at Stony Lake Camp April 9–11. The main focus of the camp will be on timely topics and spiritual concerns experienced in North American Zion.

• Summer camps are being planned as scheduled. Necessary precautions will be taken as COVID-19 guidelines evolve throughout the summer. Online enrollment is open on the LLC website to register.

May God continue to bless His work as only He can.

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