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June/July 2023 Update

Arvin Pirness | The Voice of Zion June/July 2023 - News and Notes --

June and July are confirmation school months. Some of you 2023 confirmation students may have already been confirmed at the June Camps. Confirmation is an important milestone in a young believer’s life. You students are being sent with many prayers that God would so move you to confirm your desire to travel as a child of God.

Summer is camp season so please remember to serve your brothers and sisters in faith as you are able by signing up for a camp work shift in your local area or on our website.

Updates on LLC Activities


  • Confirmation Directors and Teachers requested a standardized lesson on sexuality. A committee developed a lesson plan and discussion group format that will be used this summer at the confirmation schools.

Mission Department

  • Beginning in June, we plan to hold monthly Bible Class lessons via Zoom for believers in Ecuador and Colombia. The first series of lessons will focus on Jesus’ parables about God’s kingdom.

Communications Department

  • At this time of year we are already planning and brainstorming features and other content for our periodicals in 2024. What would you like to see in The Voice of Zion, The Shepherd’s Voice, in our seasonal magazines or on Hearken? We welcome your input and feedback and ideas now and always. Send us a note via email to

  • This autumn we will conduct a more formal survey on our periodicals. This will help us ensure that what we publish continues to be timely, with content that serves believers of all ages.

  • The application period for LLC Opisto Scholarships for the 2024–25 opisto year ended mid-May. We received many applications! It is wonderful that a year abroad at a boarding school for believers continues to be an attractive option for young adults. Applicants will hear by the end of summer whether they have been awarded a scholarship.


  • Camp season is in full operation. Volunteers continue to be the backbone to our camp system. We are thankful to God for the servants that He sends to serve at camp.

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