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June/July 2021 Update

Eric Jurmu | The Voice of Zion June/July 2021 - News and Notes --

I wish to offer congratulations to all 2021 high school, college and university graduates. You have achieved a milestone in life! May God grant life’s blessings for each of you.

Each year in June we also celebrate Father’s Day. May the heavenly Father bless you dear fathers for the love and care that you have extended to your families and loved ones. The days we live are troubled and your children need clear, loving instructions.

May God also bless those attending confirmation school this summer. It is an important time in the life of a young believer. Please remember that your parents and loved ones are sending you to camp with many prayers that you will make lasting friends, but mostly that your childlike faith will be strengthened.

Updates on LLC Activities

• At the end of May a new chapter of LLC history began when after fifteen years the office moved from Loretto, Minnesota into the new LLC office in Monticello, Minnesota. Many hours of volunteer labor allowed the project to be completed. While the old office served very well, we are thankful for God’s abundant blessings in granting us a new home. After the last projects are completed, plans are to have an open house and dedication service for all who would like to join. May God richly repay you who have lovingly supported the effort with your generosity and labor.

• 2021 LLC Online Summer Services, July 1–4, will originate from the LLC office in Monticello, Minnesota. A few notes about services:

– The service motto is, Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life (Rev. 2:10).

– The service schedule can be found on the LLC website and essential service information will be available to download.

– Sermons will be broadcast live on the LLC website, LLC YouTube channel

– A part of our service broadcast will also air July 10–11 on the SRK Summer Service Radio ( This gives you an opportunity to listen again or to hear parts of the broadcast you may have missed.

– Facebook users can find service information at Laestadian Lutheran Church

– Instagram users can find information @laestadianlutheran

– At 2:00 p.m. each afternoon there will be a children’s service.

– A congregation evening presentation will be broadcast Friday evening.

– A youth presentation using the motto of the services will be broadcast Saturday evening.

• The 2021 LLC Annual Meeting will be online and originate, Saturday July 3, from the LLC office in Monticello, Minnesota. The meeting agenda, 2022 draft operating plan and video have been sent to help congregations prepare their delegates for the meeting. Meeting and voting details will be communicated to LLC congregations in early June.

• We continue to monitor if the COVID-19 pandemic will affect this summer’s camp activities. As of now, we will hold all scheduled summer camps following local and state guidelines. Any proposed changes will be communicated to students and families with ample time to make any necessary adjustments.

• The pandemic has affected quite broadly in Ecuador and the believers there ask to be remembered. With travel restrictions in place, weekly online services continue for believers throughout Ecuador. May God continue to bless such opportunities as they are needed.

• Foreign mission trips have been paused through the 3rd quarter of this year. It may be possible to begin scheduling a few trips for late this fall as COVID-19 restrictions are eased.

• Over twenty applications for the 2022–23 opisto year were received in May. There are fourteen scholarships available, so the scholarship committee will meet in July to make selections and send word out soon thereafter.

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