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February 2024 Update

Arvin Pirness | The Voice of Zion February 2024 - News & Notes Article --

We are thankful for the many prayers and expressions of support received as the LLC embarks on yet another year of working and planning. In January and February we meet with the Area Mission Boards to discuss our mutual work on the local level and continent-wide. We will continue to provide timely updates on these and all gatherings..

February is a month for preparing. In online enrollment for 2024 camps, there were 2,122 applications submitted to attend various camps. It illustrates the interest and importance of our camp program, an educational endeavor in which many believers teach one another of the gifts of the Spirit. May God continue to give guidance as the many volunteer directors and teachers continue with their planning assignments. Also, young and old, consider how you could make yourself available to assist and serve during the camp season in the work of God’s kingdom.

Here at the LLC we are planning for the joint SRK-SFC-LLC meeting in early April. These gatherings have been so helpful in discussion and collaborating in the mutual work of God’s Kingdom.

LLC Phoenix Winter Services will be held March 14–17 at the Phoenix Laestadian Lutheran Church. We know many like to attend these services in person but there are more who are not able to be there so once again thoughtful and rich content will accompany the service broadcast. 

Updates on LLC Activities


  • LLC owned camp facilities are managed and operated by appointed camp boards. A camp board’s responsibilities are for scheduling and staffing events at each center. In addition, the camp board prioritizes capital improvement projects and plans and schedules project completion. A very important role of a camp board is to also project future needs and plan for future development to meet those needs.


  • God has blessed North American Zion by calling new servants over the past year. We are planning to host around 15 new speakers at the annual workshop for new ministers. The workshop is on February 16–17, 2024.

  • An LLC Home and Family Conference for congregation representatives will be held on Saturday, February 24. Presentations on “Fostering Faith, Hope and Love in Everyday Life” and “Supporting Families in Our Time” will be held. Participants will visit about the significant needs in this area of work in congregation life.


  • There is a foreign mission work spread in this month’s paper which highlights the countries where believers live and how we work together with them to support faith and life. They endeavor and travel in the same faith. 


  • An updated Eighth grade Sunday school curriculum is slated to be piloted for the 2024–25 Sunday School year. There are also plans to begin work on fifth grade curriculum during these winter months with the same hope that it will be ready for use by the 2024–25 Sunday School year. The Education Committee has plans to create a formal statement on the LLC’s education philosophy.


  • Now is the time to apply for an opisto scholarship for the 2025–26 opisto year. Encourage young ones in your family and in your congregation to apply for this wonderful opportunity to study abroad in a school owned and run by believers! You can find the application at

  • We also encourage any who are interested in supporting the opisto program to contribute to the Opisto Fund ( Donations are divided among scholarship recipients to offset opisto tuition costs.

Print Publications

  • We plan to hold an online-only Content Creators Workshop April 19–20. Writers, poets, musicians and visual artists, please mark your calendars and watch for more information on this event.

  • The LLC 50-Year History Exhibit displayed at 2023 Summer Services is now available online. Please view the virtual exhibit at

Digital Communications

  • Many hours of audio programming have been created for the LLC Winter Services broadcast. Join us during services online at

  • If you have questions for the broadcast team or would like to contribute to this area of work, freely reach out to 

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