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Faith, Hope and Love

Rod Nikula  | The Shepherd’s Voice February/March 2024 - Home and Family Article –


God wants us to make it to heaven. He gives gifts of faith, hope and love to help us on our journey. Believing family and friends help us keep faith, hope, and love in our life every day.

Faith is our connection to God. Faith is what we believe. We believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

God loved us first and chose us to be His children. God gives us love for everyone. He doesn’t love sin, but He loves the sinner. Unforgiven sin can break the connection to God, and faith can be lost. When faith is lost, the living hope of heaven is also lost. One who loses faith no longer has the correct love for God or other people.

Everyone needs forgiveness to keep faith, hope, and love in their life. Forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name and blood “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16, ESV). Salvation means making it to heaven. Believers desire to preach forgiveness to everyone.

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13, ESV). When a believer dies, they go to heaven. Faith and hope are no longer needed. Love remains!


Things to visit about:

  1. What do believers hope for?

  2. How can we keep the love between us and other believers? What might break that love?

  3. Why do you think the Bible tells us that of faith, hope and love, love is the greatest?

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