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Being Humble

Ross and Kayla Fredrickson | 2019 October-November Shepherd's Voice

God gave Moses the task to go talk to Pharaoh about freeing the people of Israel and then after that to lead them back to the land of Canaan. Moses first said no. He said he was a poor speaker. But God promised to be with him and give him words to speak. Moses obeyed.

Do you remember what the shepherd boy David said to Saul when he asked him to fight Goliath? Did he puff his chest and brag that he had killed a bear and a lion while caring for his father’s sheep? No, instead he said that God would deliver him from the hand of the giant Goliath (1 Samuel 17).

Of ourselves, we know that we are nothing. But God works in us and through us. God gave words and gifts for Moses to lead the people of Israel. He also helped David defeat Goliath. If someone at school asks how you believe, God will give words for you to speak. He gives as He sees fit.

The devil may try to tempt us and make us think we’re better than other people. The only difference between us and the people around us is that we have the gift of faith. This doesn’t make us any better, but we’re the most fortunate to have this gift. We want to share this gift with our friends and neighbors. They too can believe their sins forgiven when the gospel is preached.

Maybe you are good at riding bike or maybe you’ve done well in your classes at school. However, it is good to remember to be humble in such things. Being humble means accepting that all good things and good gifts are a blessing from God. We use these gifts not to emphasize how good we are, but rather to serve others and show honor to God. We accept that we are weak and faulty, and we need help and prayers and support from others. We need the gospel to help us in our life of faith.

The opposite of being humble is being overly proud. We can take pride in accomplishments and at the same time humbly thank our Heavenly Father for all blessings.

God’s Word teaches, “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble” (James 4:6). We pray that God will help us to be humble and remain in faith. Let’s remember each other in our prayers.

Ross and Kayla Fredrickson


  • 1.Read about the shepherd boy David in LLC’s Illustrated Home Bible, page 128. How was David able to fight Goliath?

  • 2.Why is it important to be humble and not proud? Why should we pray for this?

  • 3.It is easier to be humble when our sins are forgiven. Why is this?

Being Humble
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