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August 2021 Update

Eric Jurmu | The Voice of Zion August 2021 - News and Notes --

The motto chosen for 2021 Summer services, “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” (Rev. 2:10), promises that God will grant eternal life to those who remain believing. And although we were again unable to gather at Summer Services in Marquette, Michigan, God provided a way in which we could still be refreshed around His Word. I continue to marvel how God has given the necessary gifts and knowledge to host services as an online event.

Coverage about services and those instrumental in making it happen appears in this month’s Voice of Zion. Many, many thanks to all involved in making the online services a possibility. 2022 LLC Summer Services, hosted by Longview and the neighboring congregations in the Northwest are scheduled for July 1–4. Welcome!

LLC Board Meeting July 1

• Board members reviewed planning updates for the current Summer Services and future Winter and Summer services. The 2022 LLC Phoenix Winter Services will be held March 17–20, with the motto for services, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8). 2022 LLC Summer Services will be hosted by the Longview, Washington, congregation, and held at the Kelso High School on July 1–4, 2022, with the motto, “I will be glad and rejoice in thee” (Ps. 9:2).

• The board gave final approval for the development of an LLC digital publications app. Subsequent to the meeting, the LLC entered into contract with the app developer with plans for a December 16 launch date. The board also approved making the current part-time Digital Administrative Assistant a permanent half-time position to support the work.

• Professional teachers Wendy Agbowada and Jake Muhonen were added to the LLC Education Committee.

LLC Annual Meeting July 3

• As in 2020, the 2021 LLC Annual Meeting was held as an online event. The meeting was held via Zoom with a chat feature that allowed discussion between delegates and the LLC board and staff gathered at the LLC office. A voting app was used to allow secure voting during the meeting.

• LLC delegates reviewed and gave support for the proposed 2022 LLC Operating Plan, which included plans for no dues increase.

• There was discussion to move the LLC Summer Services to the weekend after SRK’s Suviseurat.

The LLC office will draft a communication explaining the potential date change, and delegates will bring the proposal back to member congregations for discussion and decision at a future LLC annual meeting.

• Delegates re-elected George Koivukangas and Keith Waaraniemi (Midwestern Area), and Peter Kuopus (Eastern Area), to three-year terms on the LLC Board. Delegates also elected Randy Hillukka to replace Steve Haataja (Midwestern Area); and Marv Wittenberg and Lauri Nevala to replace retiring board members John Stewart and Ken Wuollet (Western Area).

• Dates for 2022 LLC Winter and Summer Services have been set: – 2022 LLC Phoenix Winter Services: March 17–20 – 2022 LLC Summer Services Longview, Wash.: July 1–4, 2022

• Delegates will be prepared to give a detailed report to congregations when meeting minutes have been finalized.

Updates on LLC Activities

• Parents of 2021 confirmation students are to be thanked again for their patience as we worked through details in planning confirmation camps this summer. As you are aware due to the uncertainties of COVID-19, there were many starts and stops to planning. But in the end plans were made and we pray for God’s blessings as students are sent to camp for this important milestone in their lives.

• Although there may be some small changes to camp activities due to the pandemic, all of the other LLC summer camps are being held as scheduled.

• Peace Garden Youth Days will be held this year Sept. 4–5, 2021. Those who wish to attend, 18 years and older, can sign up online at by Aug. 27.

• The Phoenix, Arizona, congregation asked Eric Mattila to serve as their full-time pastor. We wish Eric, his wife Katrina, and their entire family God’s abundant blessings with this calling.

• Currently foreign mission trips are still on hold. There is hope that some foreign trips can resume later this Fall. Through the pandemic online services are kept regularly for those in many foreign countries, and this practice may continue.

• As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, the remaining 2020 LLC update tour to congregations will be finalized.

We hope that as summer winds down all will have opportunities to spend time with family and friends before school and fall activities begin. And again, we thank you for the continued prayers and support for the work of God’s kingdom.

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