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A gentle heart

Jean Simonson | The Shepherd’s Voice August/September 2023 - Home and Family Article --

Gentleness is the quality of being kind, tender or mild-mannered. It can also be softness or lightness in action. What comes to mind when you think of gentleness?

In our homes we may experience gentleness in many ways. I often marvel at the gentleness that comes into a home with a precious new baby. Last year we were blessed with a baby girl after four boys. With so much energy and the nature of boys, I am amazed again and again at the gentleness they show to their baby sister.

In nature there are many examples of gentleness through the seasons. In summer we feel the gentle warm breeze blowing through our hair. Colorful leaves fall from trees in autumn, and snowflakes gently fall from the sky in the winter months. In spring many animals give birth to their young. Even there we can see gentleness toward smaller ones.

Gentleness brings peace. In the Bible it says, “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger” (Prov. 15:1). We often want to respond to tense situations with harsh words and actions. Yet, the Bible instructs us to be gentle to others. A gentle heart comes from having love for others. When love is broken, we can ask for forgiveness and hear that our sins are forgiven in Jesus’ name and blood. In this way, Jesus, our gentle Shepherd, continues to care for us.

Things to visit about: 

  1. How do we show gentleness to people of all ages?

  2. What does it make us feel like when others treat us with gentleness?

  3. What helps us remember to be gentle and kind?

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