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Confirmation Refresher Course

We are happy to announce a Confirmation School Refresher Course for Adults. This course will as noted below at the LLC office in Monticello, Minn., with online access also available to all who are interested. 


This course will cover Confirmation School lessons in the current curriculum. The lessons and discussions will be led by experienced Confirmation School teachers. The aim of this course is to provide an opportunity for adults to gather and be refreshed in these important lessons of life and faith. It is an opportunity for adults to learn about what the current Confirmation School curriculum contains. 


Lessons will last approximately 1.5 hours, and coffee will be available for those gathered at the LLC office. There is a suggested course fee of $5.00 per lesson. The proceeds will cover costs of this and other work in God’s Kingdom. All lessons will be held at 1:00 p.m. Central Time.


Past lessons are linked to the presentation upon completion.


Oct. 26, 2021  Lesson 1: The Most Precious Matter In Our Lives

Nov. 23, 2021  Lesson 2: God, Our Heavenly Father

Jan. 25, 2022  Lesson 3: Faith, a Gift from God

Rescheduled  Lesson 4: The Bible, God's Written Word

Apr. 26, 2022  Lesson 5: The Sabbath Day, Keep It Holy

May 24, 2022  Lesson 6: Jesus, the Word Made Flesh

Sep. 27, 2022  Lesson 7: Jesus, Our Savior

Oct. 25, 2022  Lesson 8: Temptation and Sin

Nov. 22, 2022  Lesson 9: The Gospel, the Message of Victory

Jan. 24, 2023  Lesson 4: The Bible, God's Written Word

Feb. 28, 2023  Lesson 10: Courtship and Marriage. He Made Them Male and Female

Apr. 25, 2023  Lesson 11: The Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier

May 23, 2023  Lesson 12: God's Kingdom, Our Mother

Sep. 26, 2023  Lesson 13: Conscience, God's Voice In Us 

Oct. 24, 2023  Lesson 14: Death and Resurrection

Jan. 23, 2024  Lesson 15: Heaven, Our Goal

Feb. 27, 2024  Lesson 16: Grace, Unmerited Love

Apr. 23, 2024  Lesson 17: Repentance, a Change of Heart

May 28, 2024  Lesson 18: Prayer, Thy Will Be Done

Sep. 24, 2024  Lesson 19: Baptism, a Covenant of a Good Conscience

Oct. 22, 2024  Lesson 20: Confession, a Grace Privilege 

Nov. 26, 2024  Lesson 21: Communion, a Meal of Remembrance

Jan. 28, 2025  Lesson 22: Caring for One Another

Feb. 25, 2025  Lesson 23: Music, "Sing, O People of the Lord"

Apr. 22, 2025  Lesson 24: In the World, Not of the World

May 27, 2025  Lesson 25: Luther and the Reformation

Sep. 23, 2025  Lesson 26: Laestadian Lutheran Church

Oct. 28, 2025  Lesson 27: Mission Work, Spreading the Gospel

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